condition mean min max Egg cell 17.921901 0.0 50.7855 Ovule 56.08706923076923 46.076 68.8925 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 18.4724 14.1882 22.9138 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 26.835466666666665 21.2002 30.8382 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 37.5279 32.7266 42.1013 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 36.38613333333333 32.0714 41.5153 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 39.66556666666667 33.2926 51.9275 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 18.815366666666666 13.3249 23.7429 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 10.356586666666667 6.42676 13.8567 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 4.10233 2.08952 6.18751 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 5.16223 2.32957 6.71703 Sperm 5.73572 4.925 7.58701 Pollen tube (Col-0) 1.590371 0.341443 2.89607 Flower (receptacles) 33.8011625 30.0518 42.306 Flower (floral buds) 20.1633 20.1633 20.1633 Flower (sepals) 39.332675 35.8435 44.5538 Flower (petals) 37.996 32.9575 43.0345 Flower (stamen filaments) 40.522850000000005 37.7271 43.3186 Flower (anthers) 25.853633333333335 12.9622 49.3171 Flower (carpels) 58.52670714285714 42.9888 67.8372 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 56.62475 53.4649 59.7846 Pedicel 55.2862 54.6786 55.8938 Axis of the inflorescence 62.22135 59.9146 64.5281 Silique 44.73766666666667 33.6912 55.9969 Silique (senescent) 84.57509999999999 77.5218 91.6284 Pods of siliques 33.58195 22.911 42.9349 Pods of siliques (senescent) 45.0341 40.5649 49.5033 Embryo 24.3237 24.3237 24.3237 Endosperm 11.45689 2.48207 27.7224 Seed 95.8073 79.9623 109.872 Seed (young) 72.25954 59.178 87.1393 Seed (germinating) 106.28683333333333 47.7692 222.985 Seedling 26.9452 20.3842 30.2801 Seedling (etiolated) 31.218633333333333 24.5258 42.8409 Meristem 59.074086666666666 31.0782 87.5686 Stem (internode) 55.110150000000004 49.0786 61.1417 Stem (internode, senescent) 66.18735 65.5722 66.8025 Stems 38.713345294117644 7.34514 65.1561 Leaf (rosette) 30.795635714285716 15.8616 40.7105 Epidermis cells 0.4952625 0.4222 0.568325 Mature guard cells 3.83697 0.0 7.67394 Root (differentiation zone) 19.7259 19.7259 19.7259 Root (elongation zone) 23.879649999999998 19.4141 28.3452 Root (meristematic zone) 48.0857 48.0857 48.0857 Root (apex) 43.961299999999994 42.7399 45.1827 Root (stele) 2.2318 2.2318 2.2318 Root (QC cells) 0.15373416666666667 0.0 0.72637 Root (tip) 29.4179 27.9839 31.2667