condition mean min max Egg cell 29.00750101 0.0918801 121.408 Ovule 32.03247692307692 18.7256 47.2892 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 17.517166666666668 16.3072 19.1009 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 14.108233333333333 12.9019 14.7826 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 17.055733333333333 15.5047 17.8502 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 15.532300000000001 14.9586 16.3027 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 17.063066666666668 14.4128 20.935 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 28.845366666666667 21.7894 34.6954 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 24.617833333333333 16.3478 34.0958 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 14.6746 10.9256 19.8928 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 11.560753333333333 7.91026 15.5674 Sperm 5.989318333333333 4.65734 7.07135 Pollen tube (Col-0) 9.449086666666666 8.60912 10.9095 Flower (receptacles) 39.4040375 35.9085 42.5192 Flower (floral buds) 38.6315 38.6315 38.6315 Flower (sepals) 26.184874999999998 17.1358 39.3587 Flower (petals) 19.869300000000003 19.8293 19.9093 Flower (stamen filaments) 32.2275 31.4715 32.9835 Flower (anthers) 27.889856666666667 8.79534 46.7941 Flower (carpels) 27.609935714285715 19.1759 38.2428 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 22.01325 21.1905 22.836 Pedicel 31.722749999999998 31.5411 31.9044 Axis of the inflorescence 32.57535 31.2612 33.8895 Silique 44.05835555555556 33.5548 57.7729 Silique (senescent) 11.9094 11.2228 12.596 Pods of siliques 45.757875 35.7341 58.0695 Pods of siliques (senescent) 62.98125 59.3598 66.6027 Embryo 28.075 28.075 28.075 Endosperm 10.252215 5.03425 22.3206 Seed 7.4383574999999995 5.34809 9.56026 Seed (young) 26.062 21.0832 32.6915 Seed (germinating) 39.2545 27.5137 47.2814 Seedling 53.84534 41.2786 83.6402 Seedling (etiolated) 50.21615 37.3281 72.5571 Meristem 65.50876 29.5914 149.638 Stem (internode) 52.48995 51.4365 53.5434 Stem (internode, senescent) 116.471 115.197 117.745 Stems 71.74826764705882 17.6766 245.695 Leaf (rosette) 46.945457142857144 16.3242 64.4581 Epidermis cells 11.65175 10.8337 12.4698 Mature guard cells 31.39363 8.71166 54.0756 Root (differentiation zone) 200.082 200.082 200.082 Root (elongation zone) 49.12295 30.1607 68.0852 Root (meristematic zone) 30.3838 30.3838 30.3838 Root (apex) 54.4837 47.4407 61.5267 Root (stele) 16.5442 16.5442 16.5442 Root (QC cells) 287.0369468916667 0.0385447 1059.8 Root (tip) 30.833066666666667 30.5188 31.4518