condition mean min max Egg cell 12.3889963 0.225393 21.0491 Ovule 28.908303846153846 21.1821 42.5727 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 14.418733333333334 13.3035 16.1182 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 13.5463 11.6941 14.6919 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 12.243233333333334 11.2051 13.1819 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 7.2682899999999995 4.2666 9.08537 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 14.77342 9.72676 19.2967 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 2.2873466666666666 1.65923 3.28058 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 1.8280866666666666 1.2204 2.48235 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 1.5490286 0.913033 2.32416 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 1.449334 0.845642 1.82873 Sperm 8.838436666666666 7.36903 10.3875 Pollen tube (Col-0) 2.0246383333333333 0.956515 3.34652 Flower (receptacles) 11.6811125 9.7227 13.6093 Flower (floral buds) 16.6988 16.6988 16.6988 Flower (sepals) 7.1768025 5.19252 8.41546 Flower (petals) 9.481155000000001 9.45423 9.50808 Flower (stamen filaments) 8.90327 8.45363 9.35291 Flower (anthers) 7.660473333333333 2.47665 16.0372 Flower (carpels) 22.740257142857143 17.7092 30.0249 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 9.52204 6.80538 12.2387 Pedicel 7.684635 7.26726 8.10201 Axis of the inflorescence 14.23515 13.8126 14.6577 Silique 8.732128888888889 6.94303 9.82778 Silique (senescent) 6.51682 6.31825 6.71539 Pods of siliques 6.8478175 4.11931 8.32687 Pods of siliques (senescent) 8.804445000000001 8.58411 9.02478 Embryo 21.0186 21.0186 21.0186 Endosperm 8.912932 5.79214 10.8438 Seed 4.4345225 3.77979 5.15997 Seed (young) 20.11402 14.4913 27.8412 Seed (germinating) 12.214215 8.35491 18.3112 Seedling 7.312332 5.39067 10.8798 Seedling (etiolated) 7.917808333333333 6.46182 11.1273 Meristem 25.672349999999998 14.3253 37.5385 Stem (internode) 7.111915 6.12874 8.09509 Stem (internode, senescent) 12.622399999999999 11.9043 13.3405 Stems 12.65471661764706 4.92461 21.157 Leaf (rosette) 7.75003 3.29101 11.5353 Epidermis cells 0.626159 0.562647 0.689671 Mature guard cells 0.514655 0.0 1.02931 Root (differentiation zone) 8.21305 8.21305 8.21305 Root (elongation zone) 14.12055 10.7167 17.5244 Root (meristematic zone) 21.75 21.75 21.75 Root (apex) 8.215115 6.96115 9.46908 Root (stele) 0.0736501 0.0736501 0.0736501 Root (QC cells) 11.773559096666666 0.0 94.047 Root (tip) 10.182996666666666 9.47539 10.7999