condition mean min max Egg cell 10.3520468 0.178286 37.9375 Ovule 60.778623076923076 41.1587 78.8316 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 75.15043333333334 73.3631 76.1508 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 86.5373 75.7607 92.4434 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 61.12383333333334 51.3715 68.6551 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 41.28713333333333 38.0594 43.359 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 83.8013 76.2634 95.2439 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 15.350433333333333 12.2803 17.0325 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 9.049453333333334 5.65793 11.761 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 1.6474626 0.577728 3.26996 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 2.6839500000000003 1.62502 4.12445 Sperm 0.4602233333333333 0.285663 0.648984 Pollen tube (Col-0) 1.8808099999999999 1.29355 3.02121 Flower (receptacles) 55.9985375 51.7956 61.4104 Flower (floral buds) 66.4409 66.4409 66.4409 Flower (sepals) 75.397775 59.3405 93.5262 Flower (petals) 59.096500000000006 54.6073 63.5857 Flower (stamen filaments) 75.8908 70.7739 81.0077 Flower (anthers) 37.530015 6.07442 101.932 Flower (carpels) 61.26213571428571 45.171 75.8872 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 58.3027 57.985 58.6204 Pedicel 84.09555 82.6228 85.5683 Axis of the inflorescence 92.8459 87.8013 97.8905 Silique 70.70922222222222 54.5511 95.5754 Silique (senescent) 22.80375 22.3098 23.2977 Pods of siliques 73.7521 56.2669 93.5131 Pods of siliques (senescent) 61.4684 60.9894 61.9474 Embryo 310.893 310.893 310.893 Endosperm 102.72559 57.5473 247.697 Seed 11.5844425 6.2219 17.156 Seed (young) 54.89581 41.9983 70.0362 Seed (germinating) 49.26775 18.0564 77.4065 Seedling 100.70464 60.248 191.645 Seedling (etiolated) 53.30133333333333 37.8029 79.4043 Meristem 67.17488666666667 26.4031 80.31 Stem (internode) 43.3892 41.5427 45.2357 Stem (internode, senescent) 70.75835000000001 66.9555 74.5612 Stems 76.61608970588236 25.8248 174.843 Leaf (rosette) 85.14675714285714 61.847 130.472 Epidermis cells 184.888 124.961 244.815 Mature guard cells 6.0289 0.0 12.0578 Root (differentiation zone) 14.5272 14.5272 14.5272 Root (elongation zone) 46.59015 23.0095 70.1708 Root (meristematic zone) 89.9638 89.9638 89.9638 Root (apex) 59.46475 53.17 65.7595 Root (stele) 62.3801 62.3801 62.3801 Root (QC cells) 148.89038916666667 0.0 706.199 Root (tip) 78.30083333333333 61.9409 88.2324