condition mean min max Immature female cone 16.4041 16.4041 16.4041 Immature male cones 14.7411 14.7411 14.7411 Cambium and expanding xylem 1.92001 1.92001 1.92001 Cambium 4.374163333333333 1.50707 8.99608 Expanding xylem 2.1258075 1.58787 2.66654 Expanding and mature xylem 1.244525 0.0 2.01018 Maturing xylem 1.88499 1.88499 1.88499 Wood 18.683349999999997 16.5062 20.8605 Bark 21.4125 16.1673 26.3149 Bark, healthy 18.22602 16.3116 19.5668 S1 xylem tracheids 7.9870425 7.80313 8.22795 S1 whole sections 6.94128 6.27358 7.44111 S2 ray cells 16.154875 15.3815 17.1575 S2 xylem tracheids 5.236605 4.65335 5.78239 S2 whole sections 11.59515 11.0202 11.9906 Dead late wood 0.923276 0.923276 0.923276 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 4.13713 4.13713 4.13713 Bark, root and butt rot 14.74556 12.2662 18.1031 Vegetative shoots - needles 14.86805 13.148 16.5881 Vegetative shoots - stem 15.2627 15.2627 15.2627 Vegetative shoots 13.603000000000002 8.3177 18.8883 Girdled twig - stem 17.3311 17.3311 17.3311 Dried twig - needles 13.1066 13.1066 13.1066 Girdled twig - needles 13.6807 13.6807 13.6807 Needles 17.161876111111113 9.84957 24.8515 Needles - dawn 19.7343 19.7343 19.7343 Needles - later afternoon 12.3327 12.3327 12.3327 Needles - midday 10.9693 10.9693 10.9693 Needles - night 12.8703 12.8703 12.8703 Light, 1 hour 23.174816666666665 17.3815 26.6636 Light, 3 hours 21.608766666666668 21.082 22.5564 Light, 5 hours 24.122566666666668 18.3716 30.9074 Light, 7 hours 23.6847 20.2894 27.1441 Light, 9 hours 21.547733333333333 20.0126 24.088 Light, 13 hours 21.729333333333333 16.9176 25.5861 Light, 15 hours 22.3108 20.555 25.2279 Darkness, 1 hour 24.7159 23.0406 26.0091 Darkness, 3 hours 24.2031 23.1959 25.1872 Darkness, 5 hours 22.3721 21.2319 24.2319 Darkness, 7 hours 26.443233333333335 25.7067 27.3499 Darkness, 11 hours 16.120866666666668 12.4552 19.9709 Vegetative buds 18.544366666666665 17.4133 19.5805 Female buds 12.85609 8.83037 16.1396 Male buds 19.311466666666668 17.4908 20.8211 Buds 14.80465 14.2231 15.3862 Pineapple galls 9.75696 9.75696 9.75696 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 12.401898333333333 8.81559 17.7852 Somatic germinants - normal type 13.55739 8.20241 19.1921 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 17.7499 17.0782 18.6866 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 21.5849 20.6961 22.1352 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 22.651233333333334 22.3988 22.9019 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 18.156366666666667 17.8443 18.3916 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 14.477433333333334 14.1492 14.8566 Cell culture - solid medium 21.9729 21.8479 22.2164 Somatic embryogenic cell line 23.916066666666666 11.0597 26.6411