condition mean min max Immature female cone 15.2469 15.2469 15.2469 Immature male cones 7.87253 7.87253 7.87253 Cambium and expanding xylem 7.7499 7.7499 7.7499 Cambium 20.994223333333334 8.72427 37.7921 Expanding xylem 9.12351 5.33693 11.8495 Expanding and mature xylem 9.141965 6.04579 11.768 Maturing xylem 8.76137 8.76137 8.76137 Wood 12.521899999999999 11.6024 13.4414 Bark 100.50952571428572 40.1321 175.013 Bark, healthy 8.980126 8.2037 9.64416 S1 xylem tracheids 12.06345 10.7014 12.6051 S1 whole sections 12.0897 10.5788 13.7032 S2 ray cells 18.375575 15.466 21.1431 S2 xylem tracheids 23.431325 20.6878 27.4801 S2 whole sections 11.283425 10.4745 12.3424 Dead late wood 11.9494 11.9494 11.9494 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 18.5999 18.5999 18.5999 Bark, root and butt rot 11.353316 8.45655 13.2792 Vegetative shoots - needles 14.67165 13.8278 15.5155 Vegetative shoots - stem 15.369 15.369 15.369 Vegetative shoots 10.15304 9.70558 10.6005 Girdled twig - stem 9.07491 9.07491 9.07491 Dried twig - needles 58.5526 58.5526 58.5526 Girdled twig - needles 16.0583 16.0583 16.0583 Needles 35.20205722222222 6.50014 51.1382 Needles - dawn 16.5185 16.5185 16.5185 Needles - later afternoon 19.9686 19.9686 19.9686 Needles - midday 15.2835 15.2835 15.2835 Needles - night 16.9949 16.9949 16.9949 Light, 1 hour 46.92085 35.6427 58.202 Light, 3 hours 53.20036666666667 49.2865 58.9176 Light, 5 hours 49.50156666666667 45.1593 56.8414 Light, 7 hours 48.79326666666667 40.5404 55.6383 Light, 9 hours 50.404199999999996 46.9546 52.9203 Light, 13 hours 46.994933333333336 40.4473 57.4239 Light, 15 hours 47.585033333333335 45.7824 50.7712 Darkness, 1 hour 53.2679 47.9964 60.241 Darkness, 3 hours 46.477000000000004 39.9112 50.2473 Darkness, 5 hours 46.250166666666665 34.7615 58.2904 Darkness, 7 hours 56.08773333333333 50.9507 62.4896 Darkness, 11 hours 38.579299999999996 27.0434 52.2461 Vegetative buds 31.022433333333336 26.1704 35.1921 Female buds 29.7613 17.2338 37.08 Male buds 36.045633333333335 30.6681 43.3604 Buds 15.117999999999999 14.2155 16.0205 Pineapple galls 12.9294 12.9294 12.9294 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 25.484555555555556 18.6901 33.8221 Somatic germinants - normal type 29.96484 21.7764 43.0959 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 38.952933333333334 37.3482 39.8109 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 42.1346 38.1592 46.1285 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 46.175066666666666 45.142 48.2194 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 51.791666666666664 50.2869 52.6806 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 40.433366666666664 35.1105 44.5278 Cell culture - solid medium 39.91046666666667 37.9515 42.334 Somatic embryogenic cell line 58.392611111111115 28.3097 79.0951