condition	mean	min	max
Immature female cone	4.80596	4.80596	4.80596
Immature male cones	12.3167	12.3167	12.3167
Cambium and expanding xylem	38.7751	38.7751	38.7751
Cambium	43.0998	37.8858	50.3063
Expanding xylem	60.7327	31.527	106.994
Expanding and mature xylem	72.6718	36.6941	117.369
Maturing xylem	30.6824	30.6824	30.6824
Wood	9.121935	6.31127	11.9326
Bark	22.418790571428573	1.24219	96.1084
Bark, healthy	796.9137999999999	210.992	1377.62
S1 xylem tracheids	61.609775	53.993	75.1541
S1 whole sections	19.5597	15.9138	24.199
S2 ray cells	21.0047	17.437	24.0808
S2 xylem tracheids	42.97285	38.5202	48.0289
S2 whole sections	9.7450125	4.59713	14.5696
Dead late wood	17.4748	17.4748	17.4748
Phloem and cambium	48.4926	48.4926	48.4926
Dear early and late wood	25.6491	25.6491	25.6491
Bark, root and butt rot	388.9416	222.008	513.164
Vegetative shoots - needles	11.419105	3.46121	19.377
Vegetative shoots - stem	3.09822	3.09822	3.09822
Vegetative shoots	4.848985	3.71084	5.98713
Girdled twig - stem	5.98295	5.98295	5.98295
Dried twig - needles	6.11028	6.11028	6.11028
Girdled twig - needles	8.85781	8.85781	8.85781
Needles	22.768546666666666	1.45085	252.225
Needles - dawn	3.91021	3.91021	3.91021
Needles - later afternoon	5.72986	5.72986	5.72986
Needles - midday	7.77121	7.77121	7.77121
Needles - night	7.32405	7.32405	7.32405
Light, 1 hour	92.68665	48.2961	148.29
Light, 3 hours	109.15876666666666	99.3893	118.598
Light, 5 hours	79.70753333333333	44.9231	134.557
Light, 7 hours	78.3248	44.5253	95.3548
Light, 9 hours	78.0407	65.308	98.7189
Light, 13 hours	72.83083333333333	52.4753	112.174
Light, 15 hours	54.9242	43.2312	70.7339
Darkness, 1 hour	67.0368	42.6111	98.3797
Darkness, 3 hours	78.09803333333333	37.482	105.64
Darkness, 5 hours	94.23163333333333	87.66	99.2373
Darkness, 7 hours	76.7501	73.0934	78.621
Darkness, 11 hours	84.87073333333333	57.8929	108.269
Vegetative buds	1.8311138	0.0622814	2.97682
Female buds	0.1999981	0.0	0.585257
Male buds	5.659809999999999	4.01127	7.03051
Buds	4.8047450000000005	4.75967	4.84982
Pineapple galls	12.4345	12.4345	12.4345
Somatic germinants - abnormal type	5.175648333333333	3.21537	7.14997
Somatic germinants - normal type	4.53894435	0.866454	8.65773
Cell culture - H20 - 5 days	160.549	152.429	164.725
Cell culture - KI added - 5 days	108.27533333333334	106.347	111.401
Cell culture - KI added - 20 days	64.69273333333334	57.6136	71.4517
Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days	70.9187	63.8823	78.212
Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days	100.8118	93.5844	105.298
Cell culture - solid medium	196.55166666666665	184.612	217.998
Somatic embryogenic cell line	92.23093333333334	22.4914	268.595