condition	mean	min	max
Immature female cone	42.98	42.98	42.98
Immature male cones	12.2902	12.2902	12.2902
Cambium and expanding xylem	5.48111	5.48111	5.48111
Cambium	5.618933333333334	3.81904	8.43422
Expanding xylem	7.0123050000000005	4.54914	9.5138
Expanding and mature xylem	4.68515	2.99864	7.06403
Maturing xylem	0.935852	0.935852	0.935852
Wood	35.00395	24.7245	45.2834
Bark	6.323148571428572	1.29862	15.9862
Bark, healthy	14.992761999999999	5.53947	32.4952
S1 xylem tracheids	6.45664	4.87343	8.01405
S1 whole sections	6.0521675	3.22044	8.34317
S2 ray cells	10.7278675	9.30698	14.1554
S2 xylem tracheids	22.342875	19.66	23.6449
S2 whole sections	9.185905	8.51505	9.80172
Dead late wood	7.04684	7.04684	7.04684
Phloem and cambium	0.0	0.0	0.0
Dear early and late wood	6.68606	6.68606	6.68606
Bark, root and butt rot	20.384636	8.44708	39.0663
Vegetative shoots - needles	46.9055	30.2684	63.5426
Vegetative shoots - stem	30.9551	30.9551	30.9551
Vegetative shoots	37.397800000000004	34.8429	39.9527
Girdled twig - stem	15.5841	15.5841	15.5841
Dried twig - needles	20.676	20.676	20.676
Girdled twig - needles	17.2044	17.2044	17.2044
Needles	18.250681111111113	4.39145	37.0656
Needles - dawn	37.8322	37.8322	37.8322
Needles - later afternoon	84.2803	84.2803	84.2803
Needles - midday	43.7432	43.7432	43.7432
Needles - night	64.4587	64.4587	64.4587
Light, 1 hour	5.9765049999999995	3.30465	9.37069
Light, 3 hours	5.9264133333333335	5.67145	6.24474
Light, 5 hours	5.01849	4.69662	5.51375
Light, 7 hours	8.13884	4.388	11.1845
Light, 9 hours	9.623416666666667	7.92748	11.0121
Light, 13 hours	7.477713333333334	5.09323	9.07604
Light, 15 hours	5.80986	3.29178	8.56288
Darkness, 1 hour	4.523693333333333	4.12772	4.97474
Darkness, 3 hours	8.044833333333333	7.23339	8.79899
Darkness, 5 hours	5.49885	3.0359	8.53127
Darkness, 7 hours	6.7625633333333335	5.36926	8.81659
Darkness, 11 hours	7.124253333333334	4.333	11.1804
Vegetative buds	36.2243	26.2421	47.2776
Female buds	34.3838	22.7751	47.1466
Male buds	54.87626666666667	33.9956	70.177
Buds	22.405900000000003	18.6107	26.2011
Pineapple galls	44.8758	44.8758	44.8758
Somatic germinants - abnormal type	8.827163888888888	4.54803	13.1052
Somatic germinants - normal type	11.3577405	6.05864	15.7048
Cell culture - H20 - 5 days	7.695726666666666	6.1099	8.8978
Cell culture - KI added - 5 days	10.02804	8.83873	11.5267
Cell culture - KI added - 20 days	12.548866666666667	12.1213	13.2626
Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days	8.74957	7.86693	9.99627
Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days	10.684326666666667	8.67472	13.8719
Cell culture - solid medium	12.0874	10.3336	15.0292
Somatic embryogenic cell line	22.832175555555555	5.12788	38.914