condition mean min max Immature female cone 160.995 160.995 160.995 Immature male cones 100.93 100.93 100.93 Cambium and expanding xylem 166.016 166.016 166.016 Cambium 163.32033333333334 153.564 171.269 Expanding xylem 143.623 119.876 154.923 Expanding and mature xylem 101.5216 75.9395 131.626 Maturing xylem 135.42 135.42 135.42 Wood 108.37540000000001 81.2908 135.46 Bark 100.03278571428571 67.1132 126.134 Bark, healthy 76.88482 73.6773 85.1776 S1 xylem tracheids 88.806575 83.225 92.0718 S1 whole sections 82.19125 79.9249 84.9536 S2 ray cells 99.493725 94.2364 107.523 S2 xylem tracheids 119.538 116.072 121.641 S2 whole sections 68.55392499999999 65.6843 71.9688 Dead late wood 136.361 136.361 136.361 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 135.121 135.121 135.121 Bark, root and butt rot 71.1552 59.0847 90.9157 Vegetative shoots - needles 63.24895 52.7316 73.7663 Vegetative shoots - stem 103.381 103.381 103.381 Vegetative shoots 129.0697 95.8254 162.314 Girdled twig - stem 100.858 100.858 100.858 Dried twig - needles 64.3138 64.3138 64.3138 Girdled twig - needles 67.7453 67.7453 67.7453 Needles 77.75568888888888 38.6851 111.777 Needles - dawn 73.8726 73.8726 73.8726 Needles - later afternoon 69.199 69.199 69.199 Needles - midday 76.2359 76.2359 76.2359 Needles - night 68.7568 68.7568 68.7568 Light, 1 hour 82.55285 67.4674 98.2169 Light, 3 hours 71.1304 64.0385 79.9232 Light, 5 hours 75.69306666666667 68.9455 81.32 Light, 7 hours 76.0215 72.6225 82.3041 Light, 9 hours 72.67446666666666 64.9628 76.7812 Light, 13 hours 75.4858 67.5373 87.7785 Light, 15 hours 76.132 69.4666 83.4714 Darkness, 1 hour 88.5695 79.8258 103.168 Darkness, 3 hours 76.76913333333333 65.7656 89.5422 Darkness, 5 hours 73.8144 61.0854 84.0339 Darkness, 7 hours 102.60223333333333 91.5337 115.152 Darkness, 11 hours 60.8718 38.4922 77.1096 Vegetative buds 126.41799999999999 120.005 129.672 Female buds 117.16553333333334 72.3516 141.871 Male buds 125.37866666666666 120.16 133.82 Buds 150.465 136.779 164.151 Pineapple galls 117.587 117.587 117.587 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 109.43610555555556 94.3742 134.663 Somatic germinants - normal type 110.95993 97.9468 126.66 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 147.83766666666668 144.416 152.735 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 188.64266666666666 187.365 189.541 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 173.55833333333334 171.056 178.297 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 140.12266666666667 132.184 147.304 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 114.482 113.012 115.452 Cell culture - solid medium 153.037 150.374 156.943 Somatic embryogenic cell line 114.96197777777778 48.9878 143.302