condition mean min max Immature female cone 43.3709 43.3709 43.3709 Immature male cones 68.0164 68.0164 68.0164 Cambium and expanding xylem 11.3682 11.3682 11.3682 Cambium 13.273523333333333 3.88317 19.3718 Expanding xylem 5.3269625 3.69141 7.61675 Expanding and mature xylem 4.789255 3.0734 6.86117 Maturing xylem 4.21029 4.21029 4.21029 Wood 68.2411 46.3387 90.1435 Bark 259.4662 141.729 506.74 Bark, healthy 169.90446 94.0083 313.241 S1 xylem tracheids 18.16905 16.9572 19.4624 S1 whole sections 27.102249999999998 26.1301 28.3443 S2 ray cells 63.942949999999996 62.2898 65.1088 S2 xylem tracheids 12.051549999999999 11.1407 12.5301 S2 whole sections 27.417675 25.7156 28.6809 Dead late wood 14.2598 14.2598 14.2598 Phloem and cambium 8.77325 8.77325 8.77325 Dear early and late wood 11.8187 11.8187 11.8187 Bark, root and butt rot 302.5306 203.908 420.82 Vegetative shoots - needles 702.293 572.67 831.916 Vegetative shoots - stem 503.436 503.436 503.436 Vegetative shoots 113.8457 55.3754 172.316 Girdled twig - stem 375.624 375.624 375.624 Dried twig - needles 687.512 687.512 687.512 Girdled twig - needles 872.857 872.857 872.857 Needles 375.98268388888886 1.04541 5111.19 Needles - dawn 786.051 786.051 786.051 Needles - later afternoon 688.225 688.225 688.225 Needles - midday 944.86 944.86 944.86 Needles - night 746.646 746.646 746.646 Light, 1 hour 702.64 508.289 986.826 Light, 3 hours 874.4036666666666 492.901 1074.85 Light, 5 hours 913.794 468.362 1255.72 Light, 7 hours 1154.0123333333333 766.707 1483.21 Light, 9 hours 959.9023333333333 924.065 1009.92 Light, 13 hours 758.6746666666667 652.075 916.917 Light, 15 hours 884.4296666666667 510.498 1299.66 Darkness, 1 hour 1102.2573333333332 950.492 1284.34 Darkness, 3 hours 937.8696666666667 903.691 985.793 Darkness, 5 hours 925.1766666666667 705.546 1099.45 Darkness, 7 hours 1048.6273333333334 638.007 1536.41 Darkness, 11 hours 698.487 327.273 904.269 Vegetative buds 178.92399999999998 159.658 190.408 Female buds 98.64580000000001 72.9655 130.645 Male buds 48.45883333333333 46.4281 50.314 Buds 159.197 102.667 215.727 Pineapple galls 194.618 194.618 194.618 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 1193.2244444444443 1003.06 1347.78 Somatic germinants - normal type 1070.213 778.832 1392.13 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 636.682 594.552 671.773 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 138.184 123.495 156.973 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 129.825 106.688 150.446 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 496.21433333333334 396.787 572.626 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 801.4663333333333 787.029 812.199 Cell culture - solid medium 241.6 199.703 298.768 Somatic embryogenic cell line 59.68906666666667 36.2062 111.178