condition mean min max Immature female cone 35.2022 35.2022 35.2022 Immature male cones 26.7917 26.7917 26.7917 Cambium and expanding xylem 47.9632 47.9632 47.9632 Cambium 72.71693333333333 69.178 78.4947 Expanding xylem 50.8094 37.6433 59.0467 Expanding and mature xylem 54.51685 41.8247 69.0936 Maturing xylem 63.992 63.992 63.992 Wood 38.5 36.3244 40.6756 Bark 39.55672 27.6582 49.2997 Bark, healthy 15.1366 10.6134 20.662 S1 xylem tracheids 56.419725 56.1149 56.7811 S1 whole sections 31.191499999999998 29.9915 32.5115 S2 ray cells 48.786675 45.5624 52.7275 S2 xylem tracheids 44.964774999999996 41.9308 47.6012 S2 whole sections 27.36545 25.4295 28.7073 Dead late wood 89.2377 89.2377 89.2377 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 79.6425 79.6425 79.6425 Bark, root and butt rot 16.91528 13.5823 24.2841 Vegetative shoots - needles 24.311500000000002 23.0436 25.5794 Vegetative shoots - stem 36.1209 36.1209 36.1209 Vegetative shoots 25.89945 24.0942 27.7047 Girdled twig - stem 31.3879 31.3879 31.3879 Dried twig - needles 16.8863 16.8863 16.8863 Girdled twig - needles 27.6661 27.6661 27.6661 Needles 17.893966666666667 10.0237 28.8916 Needles - dawn 28.5184 28.5184 28.5184 Needles - later afternoon 23.4964 23.4964 23.4964 Needles - midday 19.3544 19.3544 19.3544 Needles - night 21.8847 21.8847 21.8847 Light, 1 hour 24.76428333333333 21.011 29.5904 Light, 3 hours 17.1027 15.5988 18.6081 Light, 5 hours 26.064966666666667 23.3421 29.9306 Light, 7 hours 25.179266666666667 21.7562 31.937 Light, 9 hours 23.2629 19.9746 25.8631 Light, 13 hours 26.588 22.5577 32.4893 Light, 15 hours 23.812733333333334 20.4615 26.5199 Darkness, 1 hour 25.286933333333334 24.42 26.6533 Darkness, 3 hours 27.4306 23.8253 32.2482 Darkness, 5 hours 24.6194 20.2978 27.1444 Darkness, 7 hours 30.363400000000002 29.5192 31.5532 Darkness, 11 hours 18.921566666666667 13.6479 24.7735 Vegetative buds 41.37983333333333 39.3163 43.1191 Female buds 32.684733333333334 20.6987 39.8044 Male buds 40.147133333333336 33.1375 45.7901 Buds 34.63185 34.5946 34.6691 Pineapple galls 34.9768 34.9768 34.9768 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 29.51173888888889 24.9289 33.1011 Somatic germinants - normal type 29.402425 22.5686 37.6126 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 33.3366 33.0874 33.5479 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 57.45013333333333 55.609 58.9382 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 59.71183333333333 55.067 64.957 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 37.425399999999996 35.7298 38.86 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 33.4431 32.0793 34.5093 Cell culture - solid medium 57.93546666666667 56.308 59.4403 Somatic embryogenic cell line 26.03947777777778 10.3474 32.1363