condition mean min max Immature female cone 573.368 573.368 573.368 Immature male cones 304.949 304.949 304.949 Cambium and expanding xylem 220.136 220.136 220.136 Cambium 242.57266666666666 174.396 306.172 Expanding xylem 117.30420000000001 84.9448 142.812 Expanding and mature xylem 105.536075 67.4658 135.541 Maturing xylem 127.772 127.772 127.772 Wood 276.57349999999997 233.849 319.298 Bark 346.0644857142857 173.656 496.246 Bark, healthy 112.17648 96.8764 125.983 S1 xylem tracheids 176.91275000000002 167.931 184.231 S1 whole sections 153.24325 147.866 161.069 S2 ray cells 328.65475 318.032 336.159 S2 xylem tracheids 389.8995 377.3 395.834 S2 whole sections 171.547 164.032 177.933 Dead late wood 247.796 247.796 247.796 Phloem and cambium 55.5196 55.5196 55.5196 Dear early and late wood 154.094 154.094 154.094 Bark, root and butt rot 132.7238 115.458 166.093 Vegetative shoots - needles 213.6345 163.771 263.498 Vegetative shoots - stem 254.173 254.173 254.173 Vegetative shoots 340.64099999999996 141.286 539.996 Girdled twig - stem 315.656 315.656 315.656 Dried twig - needles 187.284 187.284 187.284 Girdled twig - needles 227.541 227.541 227.541 Needles 251.56862777777778 91.2643 501.716 Needles - dawn 202.946 202.946 202.946 Needles - later afternoon 223.644 223.644 223.644 Needles - midday 244.476 244.476 244.476 Needles - night 233.23 233.23 233.23 Light, 1 hour 245.24416666666667 178.94 282.646 Light, 3 hours 211.392 196.676 224.792 Light, 5 hours 254.839 221.549 289.524 Light, 7 hours 238.75933333333333 223.227 256.293 Light, 9 hours 262.2613333333333 219.052 305.2 Light, 13 hours 252.93033333333332 223.946 274.044 Light, 15 hours 242.73666666666665 221.101 256.777 Darkness, 1 hour 257.75666666666666 210.287 282.872 Darkness, 3 hours 257.35066666666665 217.644 315.519 Darkness, 5 hours 255.86399999999998 237.297 288.917 Darkness, 7 hours 239.40200000000002 202.614 272.728 Darkness, 11 hours 216.69466666666668 142.014 267.859 Vegetative buds 416.596 404.537 427.224 Female buds 455.03866666666664 268.295 580.271 Male buds 523.0023333333334 489.75 563.018 Buds 397.203 359.116 435.29 Pineapple galls 222.26 222.26 222.26 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 208.11061111111113 178.018 248.286 Somatic germinants - normal type 196.27805 148.844 230.95 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 221.97 210.354 229.527 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 333.2076666666667 325.457 342.4 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 381.9653333333333 374.455 396.493 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 267.94966666666664 242.828 286.366 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 192.28866666666667 171.763 222.391 Cell culture - solid medium 344.758 334.25 359.326 Somatic embryogenic cell line 469.32433333333336 245.753 557.973