condition mean min max Immature female cone 65.9336 65.9336 65.9336 Immature male cones 63.3731 63.3731 63.3731 Cambium and expanding xylem 302.512 302.512 302.512 Cambium 192.18773333333334 95.4942 251.185 Expanding xylem 456.44775000000004 369.569 543.378 Expanding and mature xylem 207.637725 82.3469 263.445 Maturing xylem 68.2047 68.2047 68.2047 Wood 311.889 193.486 430.292 Bark 65.821278 4.15365 246.34 Bark, healthy 66.48994 31.4171 116.634 S1 xylem tracheids 308.62925 305.052 310.064 S1 whole sections 398.01874999999995 386.727 404.739 S2 ray cells 333.92775 322.165 340.977 S2 xylem tracheids 251.852 247.687 255.368 S2 whole sections 408.5065 401.019 412.033 Dead late wood 38.1122 38.1122 38.1122 Phloem and cambium 8.08072 8.08072 8.08072 Dear early and late wood 124.177 124.177 124.177 Bark, root and butt rot 52.76766 29.6849 98.1963 Vegetative shoots - needles 10.2578 7.1465 13.3691 Vegetative shoots - stem 62.3909 62.3909 62.3909 Vegetative shoots 61.72155 4.2721 119.171 Girdled twig - stem 44.0456 44.0456 44.0456 Dried twig - needles 15.2488 15.2488 15.2488 Girdled twig - needles 7.08139 7.08139 7.08139 Needles 53.63178388888889 3.40612 224.52 Needles - dawn 20.6824 20.6824 20.6824 Needles - later afternoon 16.1103 16.1103 16.1103 Needles - midday 12.8673 12.8673 12.8673 Needles - night 15.6772 15.6772 15.6772 Light, 1 hour 13.158633333333333 10.2315 16.5647 Light, 3 hours 14.035966666666667 12.0109 15.4258 Light, 5 hours 15.077233333333334 12.176 17.3796 Light, 7 hours 19.70393333333333 16.1312 25.2187 Light, 9 hours 15.509033333333333 14.8055 16.226 Light, 13 hours 14.616366666666668 11.6986 19.559 Light, 15 hours 13.117166666666668 11.8106 14.8864 Darkness, 1 hour 17.7422 13.6055 23.5723 Darkness, 3 hours 16.284200000000002 12.1341 20.3486 Darkness, 5 hours 16.939433333333334 11.987 26.3278 Darkness, 7 hours 22.6737 14.9005 30.7925 Darkness, 11 hours 13.879033333333332 9.4993 21.1118 Vegetative buds 59.84486666666667 43.2771 80.1152 Female buds 40.2179 21.4522 51.8838 Male buds 69.79583333333333 44.8198 82.83 Buds 112.6625 106.07 119.255 Pineapple galls 95.9732 95.9732 95.9732 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 38.39975 27.6593 57.9597 Somatic germinants - normal type 51.449510000000004 32.4665 80.1616 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 142.12033333333332 141.898 142.244 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 199.67066666666668 185.317 209.304 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 149.82333333333332 138.445 155.988 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 187.70233333333334 175.82 207.001 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 124.03133333333334 120.194 127.578 Cell culture - solid medium 116.99600000000001 102.924 125.168 Somatic embryogenic cell line 54.263844444444445 17.3281 94.6378