condition	mean	min	max
Immature female cone	13.5403	13.5403	13.5403
Immature male cones	12.0934	12.0934	12.0934
Cambium and expanding xylem	0.567323	0.567323	0.567323
Cambium	3.131536666666667	0.75473	6.89451
Expanding xylem	1.5429665000000001	0.489918	2.63544
Expanding and mature xylem	2.05588	0.693118	4.72471
Maturing xylem	2.98911	2.98911	2.98911
Wood	11.127600000000001	10.8236	11.4316
Bark	13.647462857142857	10.2598	16.6627
Bark, healthy	12.6824	10.352	15.7344
S1 xylem tracheids	3.0469675	2.88287	3.18175
S1 whole sections	7.4920525	7.11718	8.00737
S2 ray cells	14.948975	14.6823	15.371
S2 xylem tracheids	4.492694999999999	4.2122	4.93913
S2 whole sections	7.0830275	6.59139	7.5015
Dead late wood	4.7456	4.7456	4.7456
Phloem and cambium	2.67108	2.67108	2.67108
Dear early and late wood	6.08492	6.08492	6.08492
Bark, root and butt rot	15.54736	10.9643	23.4665
Vegetative shoots - needles	10.616109999999999	8.78052	12.4517
Vegetative shoots - stem	12.7321	12.7321	12.7321
Vegetative shoots	12.256205	9.01771	15.4947
Girdled twig - stem	11.5609	11.5609	11.5609
Dried twig - needles	13.6439	13.6439	13.6439
Girdled twig - needles	13.4359	13.4359	13.4359
Needles	13.839511111111111	7.66754	30.3467
Needles - dawn	13.1833	13.1833	13.1833
Needles - later afternoon	11.6188	11.6188	11.6188
Needles - midday	12.875	12.875	12.875
Needles - night	11.492	11.492	11.492
Light, 1 hour	25.433866666666667	21.5148	29.5218
Light, 3 hours	21.441566666666667	17.4817	27.3969
Light, 5 hours	24.4109	19.6309	27.1003
Light, 7 hours	20.89143333333333	20.753	21.1478
Light, 9 hours	21.0239	19.741	22.3641
Light, 13 hours	23.543566666666667	18.7737	25.9289
Light, 15 hours	19.885633333333335	18.774	21.0305
Darkness, 1 hour	21.376966666666668	18.8108	22.9281
Darkness, 3 hours	20.612466666666666	17.7939	22.163
Darkness, 5 hours	21.124133333333333	17.5865	23.8176
Darkness, 7 hours	24.600266666666666	19.5638	28.9729
Darkness, 11 hours	17.630466666666667	12.3095	22.2947
Vegetative buds	15.143533333333334	14.7552	15.9114
Female buds	11.76052	6.39006	14.611
Male buds	14.8633	14.1872	16.1459
Buds	11.308150000000001	10.409	12.2073
Pineapple galls	10.345	10.345	10.345
Somatic germinants - abnormal type	17.23827777777778	14.614	21.6646
Somatic germinants - normal type	18.428185	12.5724	24.3368
Cell culture - H20 - 5 days	12.8134	11.6363	13.4372
Cell culture - KI added - 5 days	14.017	13.3514	14.4321
Cell culture - KI added - 20 days	14.191266666666667	13.9616	14.5964
Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days	11.976833333333333	11.6947	12.5354
Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days	11.265066666666666	10.9156	11.592
Cell culture - solid medium	16.3211	15.8064	16.6371
Somatic embryogenic cell line	15.596865555555555	7.44309	21.8151