condition	mean	min	max
Immature female cone	31.5484	31.5484	31.5484
Immature male cones	20.188	20.188	20.188
Cambium and expanding xylem	10.1053	10.1053	10.1053
Cambium	8.08142	4.80962	12.2047
Expanding xylem	22.10315	14.0639	27.5859
Expanding and mature xylem	15.5092	10.0939	23.8138
Maturing xylem	6.7224	6.7224	6.7224
Wood	40.730599999999995	37.1414	44.3198
Bark	19.953577142857142	15.4381	26.3629
Bark, healthy	57.79768	44.9101	63.6083
S1 xylem tracheids	101.150525	98.8671	103.134
S1 whole sections	63.275525	61.9846	64.9631
S2 ray cells	68.35885	66.9806	70.0711
S2 xylem tracheids	56.073025	54.2712	57.7488
S2 whole sections	53.728025	53.0224	54.3764
Dead late wood	9.35587	9.35587	9.35587
Phloem and cambium	0.0	0.0	0.0
Dear early and late wood	11.7809	11.7809	11.7809
Bark, root and butt rot	53.7918	37.2823	75.0187
Vegetative shoots - needles	17.038249999999998	15.204	18.8725
Vegetative shoots - stem	42.3066	42.3066	42.3066
Vegetative shoots	29.02855	18.5377	39.5194
Girdled twig - stem	41.5273	41.5273	41.5273
Dried twig - needles	22.6603	22.6603	22.6603
Girdled twig - needles	23.0764	23.0764	23.0764
Needles	35.29457222222222	12.7335	71.8303
Needles - dawn	21.4893	21.4893	21.4893
Needles - later afternoon	22.0965	22.0965	22.0965
Needles - midday	26.5071	26.5071	26.5071
Needles - night	21.6999	21.6999	21.6999
Light, 1 hour	32.474016666666664	25.3322	36.8317
Light, 3 hours	25.9282	23.3664	28.72
Light, 5 hours	28.162233333333333	24.8994	31.8361
Light, 7 hours	22.715866666666667	20.329	23.928
Light, 9 hours	22.891233333333332	18.4087	26.9973
Light, 13 hours	22.607733333333332	19.1145	24.8933
Light, 15 hours	21.689	18.2197	23.4792
Darkness, 1 hour	22.954466666666665	19.7243	24.9544
Darkness, 3 hours	22.27413333333333	20.2013	25.4377
Darkness, 5 hours	21.873	20.2214	23.5902
Darkness, 7 hours	32.9006	30.8207	35.2507
Darkness, 11 hours	15.373333333333333	10.6426	20.6697
Vegetative buds	34.719766666666665	33.2253	35.8576
Female buds	23.8719	15.1409	28.6218
Male buds	31.277133333333335	26.4344	35.5459
Buds	32.911100000000005	31.018	34.8042
Pineapple galls	21.5908	21.5908	21.5908
Somatic germinants - abnormal type	54.64995555555556	46.5825	72.4174
Somatic germinants - normal type	61.592855	46.5925	84.2239
Cell culture - H20 - 5 days	24.4735	23.5344	25.69
Cell culture - KI added - 5 days	25.172833333333333	23.7723	25.9266
Cell culture - KI added - 20 days	26.283433333333335	25.1619	28.3032
Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days	25.032899999999998	23.6675	26.3711
Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days	22.217566666666666	21.2663	22.7329
Cell culture - solid medium	23.4187	23.0715	23.6968
Somatic embryogenic cell line	54.40193333333333	27.0004	70.8493