condition mean min max Immature female cone 38.7612 38.7612 38.7612 Immature male cones 36.0726 36.0726 36.0726 Cambium and expanding xylem 93.1147 93.1147 93.1147 Cambium 71.16193333333334 59.0564 81.6164 Expanding xylem 95.17685 64.8527 124.47 Expanding and mature xylem 80.9147 57.8245 97.8133 Maturing xylem 62.146 62.146 62.146 Wood 119.409 110.436 128.382 Bark 64.80433142857143 44.6786 79.12 Bark, healthy 59.37946 52.2351 74.8854 S1 xylem tracheids 85.157325 83.972 86.7365 S1 whole sections 61.993275 58.873 65.5746 S2 ray cells 76.25085 69.5538 81.1463 S2 xylem tracheids 94.287775 94.0126 94.6417 S2 whole sections 70.281825 67.8816 71.706 Dead late wood 103.345 103.345 103.345 Phloem and cambium 4.82399 4.82399 4.82399 Dear early and late wood 106.552 106.552 106.552 Bark, root and butt rot 57.54374 44.8262 72.9296 Vegetative shoots - needles 34.5215 25.8871 43.1559 Vegetative shoots - stem 66.7543 66.7543 66.7543 Vegetative shoots 25.2339 18.5315 31.9363 Girdled twig - stem 44.0942 44.0942 44.0942 Dried twig - needles 49.746 49.746 49.746 Girdled twig - needles 23.1696 23.1696 23.1696 Needles 31.108922222222223 20.3268 44.1959 Needles - dawn 30.6912 30.6912 30.6912 Needles - later afternoon 27.5785 27.5785 27.5785 Needles - midday 33.6292 33.6292 33.6292 Needles - night 27.0716 27.0716 27.0716 Light, 1 hour 37.4404 31.428 41.4707 Light, 3 hours 37.35353333333333 33.4222 40.9627 Light, 5 hours 39.6631 34.9168 48.0102 Light, 7 hours 34.487 25.7524 39.7154 Light, 9 hours 34.011700000000005 29.6992 40.1644 Light, 13 hours 36.01306666666667 33.4914 38.5152 Light, 15 hours 38.64626666666666 35.9214 41.0618 Darkness, 1 hour 31.7738 26.3202 39.0379 Darkness, 3 hours 37.102466666666665 30.0781 43.2379 Darkness, 5 hours 35.6329 29.9408 41.3157 Darkness, 7 hours 49.534866666666666 40.0139 54.3361 Darkness, 11 hours 32.7173 19.3944 46.841 Vegetative buds 59.480133333333335 54.1905 65.1462 Female buds 48.400133333333336 25.6642 62.121 Male buds 50.26826666666667 47.4697 53.21 Buds 57.78175 51.4152 64.1483 Pineapple galls 39.8268 39.8268 39.8268 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 35.96418888888889 30.5973 43.5068 Somatic germinants - normal type 35.38399 26.5043 50.0406 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 45.221199999999996 45.1395 45.3197 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 61.11493333333333 56.7978 64.9714 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 63.021233333333335 62.2593 63.951 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 45.526066666666665 44.6093 46.9435 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 42.70343333333333 39.5725 46.9435 Cell culture - solid medium 67.56426666666667 64.712 72.7784 Somatic embryogenic cell line 38.17393333333334 15.4918 53.8761