condition mean min max Egg cell 37.050043 7.24363 90.5672 Ovule 45.86727307692308 31.8476 68.7222 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 81.73666666666666 75.2674 87.8508 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 99.51113333333333 91.4666 108.613 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 122.003 105.072 137.949 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 182.15766666666667 160.893 196.53 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 122.5779 81.8177 149.259 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 113.71333333333334 78.021 134.097 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 66.31013333333334 36.6327 103.39 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 16.12238 14.18 20.237 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 19.707433333333334 10.8 29.788 Sperm 16.00785 12.9067 19.2586 Pollen tube (Col-0) 16.3611 11.7054 18.7856 Flower (receptacles) 95.7487875 85.6611 102.251 Flower (floral buds) 82.6542 82.6542 82.6542 Flower (sepals) 36.16815 30.3359 41.4752 Flower (petals) 38.79365 34.6167 42.9706 Flower (stamen filaments) 48.428 46.2748 50.5812 Flower (anthers) 37.541983333333334 20.6062 54.7743 Flower (carpels) 55.89977142857143 32.5713 77.8777 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 146.8775 146.171 147.584 Pedicel 28.0522 27.5159 28.5885 Axis of the inflorescence 36.976 35.3823 38.5697 Silique 71.24766666666666 56.9498 88.2937 Silique (senescent) 20.937 19.7968 22.0772 Pods of siliques 59.0535 43.4998 73.3879 Pods of siliques (senescent) 48.436099999999996 46.6484 50.2238 Embryo 46.9727 46.9727 46.9727 Endosperm 1759.3268 564.986 2457.18 Seed 24.146250000000002 17.3932 30.691 Seed (young) 57.7106 51.3868 65.0212 Seed (germinating) 78.90053333333333 19.6144 134.492 Seedling 39.40944 35.3319 47.3298 Seedling (etiolated) 93.91471666666666 64.8796 106.967 Meristem 70.73233333333333 22.9872 122.18 Stem (internode) 63.97845 62.3665 65.5904 Stem (internode, senescent) 62.3832 62.1194 62.647 Stems 59.531025 29.8351 121.558 Leaf (rosette) 48.15565 23.6352 68.4077 Epidermis cells 26.93 18.1817 35.6783 Mature guard cells 112.07364999999999 97.4433 126.704 Root (differentiation zone) 343.184 343.184 343.184 Root (elongation zone) 263.13 245.698 280.562 Root (meristematic zone) 77.7517 77.7517 77.7517 Root (apex) 215.828 214.703 216.953 Root (stele) 297.964 297.964 297.964 Root (QC cells) 42.70152731583333 0.0 146.044 Root (tip) 105.05183333333333 92.0995 116.63