condition mean min max Immature female cone 10.3209 10.3209 10.3209 Immature male cones 8.78208 8.78208 8.78208 Cambium and expanding xylem 5.38579 5.38579 5.38579 Cambium 7.62418 7.395 7.93292 Expanding xylem 4.97199 2.26788 7.03483 Expanding and mature xylem 2.9982075 1.1232 3.94113 Maturing xylem 1.20525 1.20525 1.20525 Wood 30.245350000000002 22.9748 37.5159 Bark 6.779650857142857 2.65754 15.3263 Bark, healthy 11.832533999999999 8.43628 14.4498 S1 xylem tracheids 6.360865 5.62187 7.95125 S1 whole sections 9.766405 8.83854 11.0077 S2 ray cells 8.22901 7.46008 8.7596 S2 xylem tracheids 4.8123450000000005 4.31913 5.2172 S2 whole sections 9.205404999999999 8.62477 9.74725 Dead late wood 4.14604 4.14604 4.14604 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 3.68041 3.68041 3.68041 Bark, root and butt rot 10.277994 8.40215 15.1218 Vegetative shoots - needles 10.429345 9.72669 11.132 Vegetative shoots - stem 19.2017 19.2017 19.2017 Vegetative shoots 9.6241 7.6292 11.619 Girdled twig - stem 13.0662 13.0662 13.0662 Dried twig - needles 7.52273 7.52273 7.52273 Girdled twig - needles 8.71634 8.71634 8.71634 Needles 11.4369 8.22018 15.0039 Needles - dawn 10.7384 10.7384 10.7384 Needles - later afternoon 12.057 12.057 12.057 Needles - midday 8.45857 8.45857 8.45857 Needles - night 9.02022 9.02022 9.02022 Light, 1 hour 18.669283333333333 15.1146 23.9148 Light, 3 hours 18.769933333333334 16.6698 20.2357 Light, 5 hours 20.06706666666667 19.6079 20.3011 Light, 7 hours 20.0723 16.7712 22.1038 Light, 9 hours 18.841133333333335 16.9025 20.5759 Light, 13 hours 17.842133333333333 16.7322 19.701 Light, 15 hours 18.844166666666666 15.9605 22.0025 Darkness, 1 hour 14.9967 14.3824 15.6152 Darkness, 3 hours 16.463833333333334 11.3203 20.5661 Darkness, 5 hours 15.280166666666666 13.4052 18.6128 Darkness, 7 hours 16.932066666666667 15.6278 19.1833 Darkness, 11 hours 14.923866666666667 13.6808 16.3617 Vegetative buds 11.037 9.9785 12.0641 Female buds 9.085006666666667 5.27152 11.1822 Male buds 10.389473333333333 9.87612 11.1299 Buds 8.688045 6.29709 11.079 Pineapple galls 7.08236 7.08236 7.08236 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 10.73829 7.42433 14.2049 Somatic germinants - normal type 11.917662 9.79902 14.284 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 22.8708 22.2651 23.3524 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 34.507866666666665 33.5395 35.5725 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 33.2397 31.5377 35.9607 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 21.822233333333333 21.2152 22.5378 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 22.384600000000002 21.2112 23.4753 Cell culture - solid medium 36.92713333333333 36.0434 37.8375 Somatic embryogenic cell line 17.571862222222222 8.39726 22.1841