condition	mean	min	max
Immature female cone	5.65199	5.65199	5.65199
Immature male cones	7.07945	7.07945	7.07945
Cambium and expanding xylem	0.555007	0.555007	0.555007
Cambium	1.9969976666666667	0.651973	4.13585
Expanding xylem	1.5896975	1.21864	2.28542
Expanding and mature xylem	1.44239875	0.711975	2.456
Maturing xylem	2.3648	2.3648	2.3648
Wood	6.57076	5.76166	7.37986
Bark	4.905213714285714	2.92721	7.83756
Bark, healthy	12.58906	10.3083	14.8112
S1 xylem tracheids	2.3186174999999998	2.13602	2.48677
S1 whole sections	7.3942175	6.36356	8.13315
S2 ray cells	17.880525	17.4622	18.1629
S2 xylem tracheids	5.658485000000001	5.27714	5.91166
S2 whole sections	6.976785	6.7715	7.17382
Dead late wood	1.02018	1.02018	1.02018
Phloem and cambium	0.0	0.0	0.0
Dear early and late wood	2.62768	2.62768	2.62768
Bark, root and butt rot	11.269304	6.29527	19.2239
Vegetative shoots - needles	2.581255	1.97878	3.18373
Vegetative shoots - stem	8.55203	8.55203	8.55203
Vegetative shoots	3.835235	3.60532	4.06515
Girdled twig - stem	6.36799	6.36799	6.36799
Dried twig - needles	1.27732	1.27732	1.27732
Girdled twig - needles	1.66135	1.66135	1.66135
Needles	6.7083433333333335	1.24528	11.813
Needles - dawn	1.53233	1.53233	1.53233
Needles - later afternoon	1.1671	1.1671	1.1671
Needles - midday	1.1021	1.1021	1.1021
Needles - night	1.47099	1.47099	1.47099
Light, 1 hour	3.1551383333333334	2.89528	3.59189
Light, 3 hours	2.9836066666666667	2.31531	3.59565
Light, 5 hours	3.337756666666667	2.97915	3.61625
Light, 7 hours	3.45993	3.1853	3.62875
Light, 9 hours	2.4649566666666667	2.03245	2.8661
Light, 13 hours	2.50126	2.08233	2.73886
Light, 15 hours	2.43249	2.3532	2.50718
Darkness, 1 hour	2.59134	2.3621	2.75437
Darkness, 3 hours	2.2927	1.96505	2.70733
Darkness, 5 hours	2.6317033333333333	2.22957	3.24526
Darkness, 7 hours	4.17895	3.60852	5.22328
Darkness, 11 hours	1.90711	1.31006	2.83632
Vegetative buds	4.764266666666667	4.16469	5.10103
Female buds	3.22535	1.8754	3.92192
Male buds	4.671053333333333	4.1123	5.52576
Buds	6.42822	5.15939	7.69705
Pineapple galls	6.16568	6.16568	6.16568
Somatic germinants - abnormal type	3.9055327777777777	3.28218	5.07701
Somatic germinants - normal type	4.6128055	3.33091	8.02778
Cell culture - H20 - 5 days	2.610733333333333	2.55815	2.71273
Cell culture - KI added - 5 days	6.028983333333334	5.11881	6.93973
Cell culture - KI added - 20 days	7.320473333333333	6.99398	7.72687
Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days	2.52537	2.3744	2.70998
Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days	2.8240600000000002	2.77068	2.91916
Cell culture - solid medium	7.539913333333334	7.24541	8.03828
Somatic embryogenic cell line	3.570771111111111	1.82172	4.69262