condition	mean	min	max
Immature female cone	12.3271	12.3271	12.3271
Immature male cones	17.3103	17.3103	17.3103
Cambium and expanding xylem	1.90699	1.90699	1.90699
Cambium	2.704126666666667	1.17491	3.58854
Expanding xylem	0.7661885	0.0	1.39701
Expanding and mature xylem	0.67882645	0.0611768	1.2103
Maturing xylem	0.312034	0.312034	0.312034
Wood	30.68195	25.6946	35.6693
Bark	49.77426285714286	23.2507	86.1434
Bark, healthy	4.39878	1.81182	7.84325
S1 xylem tracheids	4.14114	3.49155	4.50081
S1 whole sections	6.3263475	5.72676	6.63839
S2 ray cells	24.219974999999998	22.8735	25.484
S2 xylem tracheids	3.070445	2.58789	3.3533
S2 whole sections	6.0905575	4.52292	6.96396
Dead late wood	0.0461833	0.0461833	0.0461833
Phloem and cambium	0.0	0.0	0.0
Dear early and late wood	0.531989	0.531989	0.531989
Bark, root and butt rot	7.148365999999999	2.52383	16.528
Vegetative shoots - needles	6.66164	5.61419	7.70909
Vegetative shoots - stem	41.571	41.571	41.571
Vegetative shoots	6.30391	6.20016	6.40766
Girdled twig - stem	17.6638	17.6638	17.6638
Dried twig - needles	6.30671	6.30671	6.30671
Girdled twig - needles	5.16397	5.16397	5.16397
Needles	11.074314444444445	4.27095	43.416
Needles - dawn	14.5586	14.5586	14.5586
Needles - later afternoon	12.3897	12.3897	12.3897
Needles - midday	5.35184	5.35184	5.35184
Needles - night	11.2602	11.2602	11.2602
Light, 1 hour	5.629918333333333	4.75451	6.63255
Light, 3 hours	5.083236666666667	4.50078	6.01679
Light, 5 hours	4.606003333333334	3.96651	5.5807
Light, 7 hours	8.148253333333333	7.06087	9.35036
Light, 9 hours	8.324349999999999	7.44316	9.84057
Light, 13 hours	7.1843699999999995	6.78593	7.78438
Light, 15 hours	7.021226666666667	5.32294	9.86293
Darkness, 1 hour	7.010553333333333	4.95932	10.3667
Darkness, 3 hours	8.13492	7.24687	9.47515
Darkness, 5 hours	5.365946666666667	2.89211	6.93029
Darkness, 7 hours	6.303763333333333	5.1537	7.83907
Darkness, 11 hours	4.979676666666667	3.25718	6.42799
Vegetative buds	48.4238	39.4952	57.0902
Female buds	23.964233333333333	16.9133	28.8691
Male buds	25.631433333333334	10.3352	33.305
Buds	26.11595	15.9039	36.328
Pineapple galls	15.9885	15.9885	15.9885
Somatic germinants - abnormal type	15.707866666666666	13.7919	17.544
Somatic germinants - normal type	15.35192	12.0823	18.2319
Cell culture - H20 - 5 days	1.85903	1.71122	2.02913
Cell culture - KI added - 5 days	1.53719	1.49265	1.57802
Cell culture - KI added - 20 days	2.84077	2.58002	3.08699
Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days	1.5383433333333334	1.33535	1.65214
Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days	2.3563033333333334	2.21622	2.51863
Cell culture - solid medium	5.074433333333333	4.2339	5.96772
Somatic embryogenic cell line	0.27498024444444447	0.0419641	0.483909