condition mean min max Immature female cone 2.3033 2.3033 2.3033 Immature male cones 1.50351 1.50351 1.50351 Cambium and expanding xylem 0.0 0.0 0.0 Cambium 0.18059933333333333 0.11383 0.254932 Expanding xylem 0.29874999999999996 0.0 0.46064 Expanding and mature xylem 0.665297 0.0 1.27205 Maturing xylem 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wood 1.506865 1.07451 1.93922 Bark 4.837239371428572 0.801182 14.3627 Bark, healthy 1.2175362 0.702745 1.95694 S1 xylem tracheids 3.68848 3.24597 4.28399 S1 whole sections 1.279005 0.97276 1.44911 S2 ray cells 1.8902725 1.68675 1.99645 S2 xylem tracheids 0.48663449999999997 0.378226 0.627724 S2 whole sections 1.3792625 1.21253 1.66245 Dead late wood 0.189844 0.189844 0.189844 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 0.113601 0.113601 0.113601 Bark, root and butt rot 1.634956 1.17552 2.31016 Vegetative shoots - needles 2.35406 1.58032 3.1278 Vegetative shoots - stem 5.66863 5.66863 5.66863 Vegetative shoots 1.525069 0.805238 2.2449 Girdled twig - stem 3.63483 3.63483 3.63483 Dried twig - needles 1.63694 1.63694 1.63694 Girdled twig - needles 2.92791 2.92791 2.92791 Needles 2.3293672222222224 1.12713 4.253 Needles - dawn 1.34149 1.34149 1.34149 Needles - later afternoon 1.66803 1.66803 1.66803 Needles - midday 1.44142 1.44142 1.44142 Needles - night 1.59477 1.59477 1.59477 Light, 1 hour 5.34197 4.23473 7.8858 Light, 3 hours 5.1360133333333335 3.73087 5.8954 Light, 5 hours 6.355536666666667 5.31726 8.41204 Light, 7 hours 5.952346666666666 5.16197 6.37442 Light, 9 hours 4.83464 3.48968 5.90922 Light, 13 hours 5.309396666666666 4.47798 6.05737 Light, 15 hours 4.7918666666666665 4.21294 5.3269 Darkness, 1 hour 5.975303333333334 5.36194 6.74022 Darkness, 3 hours 5.489083333333333 4.81223 6.36265 Darkness, 5 hours 4.435296666666666 3.11908 5.24677 Darkness, 7 hours 4.925086666666667 4.00318 5.41093 Darkness, 11 hours 3.66465 2.57794 5.11093 Vegetative buds 1.3534966666666666 1.18188 1.62069 Female buds 1.4171733333333332 1.06876 1.85377 Male buds 1.11551 1.0665 1.2071 Buds 5.168125 3.58955 6.7467 Pineapple galls 2.29674 2.29674 2.29674 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 4.273398888888889 3.45819 5.92691 Somatic germinants - normal type 4.5058845000000005 2.71965 6.55391 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 1.3667233333333333 1.25074 1.50138 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 3.13616 2.84063 3.45159 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 3.20767 3.00526 3.60625 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 1.2261666666666666 1.15039 1.3117 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 1.100719 0.954527 1.27621 Cell culture - solid medium 2.3305666666666665 2.1957 2.56796 Somatic embryogenic cell line 0.6796788888888889 0.188182 1.06485