condition mean min max Immature female cone 50.8273 50.8273 50.8273 Immature male cones 45.905 45.905 45.905 Cambium and expanding xylem 13.9981 13.9981 13.9981 Cambium 22.13831 8.06793 42.267 Expanding xylem 15.5061 12.2221 19.0889 Expanding and mature xylem 6.48822 4.76303 9.28506 Maturing xylem 12.2517 12.2517 12.2517 Wood 65.4143 61.8164 69.0122 Bark 40.40879714285714 29.9519 49.8426 Bark, healthy 25.243759999999998 20.929 28.8489 S1 xylem tracheids 46.055825 43.1013 48.1216 S1 whole sections 29.9372 26.6857 32.0825 S2 ray cells 45.481625 43.9264 46.7385 S2 xylem tracheids 35.384875 33.9538 36.3679 S2 whole sections 27.353099999999998 26.1923 27.929 Dead late wood 10.1046 10.1046 10.1046 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 18.4274 18.4274 18.4274 Bark, root and butt rot 22.52546 19.0717 27.1843 Vegetative shoots - needles 45.1589 40.8374 49.4804 Vegetative shoots - stem 59.3055 59.3055 59.3055 Vegetative shoots 49.9149 48.3503 51.4795 Girdled twig - stem 68.2907 68.2907 68.2907 Dried twig - needles 32.7664 32.7664 32.7664 Girdled twig - needles 61.5119 61.5119 61.5119 Needles 34.606883333333336 22.7842 49.4411 Needles - dawn 44.7678 44.7678 44.7678 Needles - later afternoon 52.8447 52.8447 52.8447 Needles - midday 38.2574 38.2574 38.2574 Needles - night 43.2813 43.2813 43.2813 Light, 1 hour 43.47253333333333 38.1028 49.4053 Light, 3 hours 43.1826 40.7873 45.7767 Light, 5 hours 43.842933333333335 40.3933 48.5855 Light, 7 hours 43.39613333333333 39.3956 48.9937 Light, 9 hours 38.6689 35.301 41.1696 Light, 13 hours 41.121233333333336 38.3034 46.5923 Light, 15 hours 43.643233333333335 40.7294 46.9088 Darkness, 1 hour 38.882466666666666 36.016 43.2749 Darkness, 3 hours 41.96796666666667 35.0003 46.5804 Darkness, 5 hours 39.74633333333333 31.0783 47.7334 Darkness, 7 hours 46.39463333333334 42.2989 51.8738 Darkness, 11 hours 35.228500000000004 21.9437 49.9489 Vegetative buds 51.20766666666667 49.5583 52.6203 Female buds 42.76476666666667 26.4112 51.1205 Male buds 62.50176666666667 56.9531 66.4863 Buds 56.781 55.8576 57.7044 Pineapple galls 44.8693 44.8693 44.8693 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 29.528122222222223 26.9324 35.4518 Somatic germinants - normal type 31.399525 25.9703 39.5278 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 29.441633333333332 27.5929 31.0822 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 38.543800000000005 37.4106 40.2959 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 36.554433333333336 34.9176 38.8361 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 30.362333333333332 29.7586 31.1421 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 24.911033333333332 23.8958 25.7229 Cell culture - solid medium 38.6139 38.2505 38.9149 Somatic embryogenic cell line 27.903488888888887 14.1895 31.7717