condition	mean	min	max
Immature female cone	258.457	258.457	258.457
Immature male cones	53.8046	53.8046	53.8046
Cambium and expanding xylem	13.2774	13.2774	13.2774
Cambium	17.437926666666666	9.87088	27.3067
Expanding xylem	6.59952875	0.966395	10.0792
Expanding and mature xylem	3.5162175	2.14746	6.03136
Maturing xylem	4.18312	4.18312	4.18312
Wood	242.43099999999998	190.126	294.736
Bark	44.865532	7.96512	91.9733
Bark, healthy	31.32728	11.8589	62.7872
S1 xylem tracheids	32.852475	32.3016	33.7272
S1 whole sections	111.90725	106.324	119.009
S2 ray cells	266.1205	259.886	272.224
S2 xylem tracheids	134.208	129.299	138.28
S2 whole sections	184.2275	178.734	190.797
Dead late wood	1.45663	1.45663	1.45663
Phloem and cambium	8.55111	8.55111	8.55111
Dear early and late wood	3.18541	3.18541	3.18541
Bark, root and butt rot	49.971199999999996	24.433	85.4634
Vegetative shoots - needles	13.35435	6.809	19.8997
Vegetative shoots - stem	112.683	112.683	112.683
Vegetative shoots	147.9647	50.3864	245.543
Girdled twig - stem	190.229	190.229	190.229
Dried twig - needles	5.39051	5.39051	5.39051
Girdled twig - needles	21.8488	21.8488	21.8488
Needles	94.30512833333333	4.38987	136.667
Needles - dawn	9.6167	9.6167	9.6167
Needles - later afternoon	9.78873	9.78873	9.78873
Needles - midday	9.93994	9.93994	9.93994
Needles - night	8.61313	8.61313	8.61313
Light, 1 hour	8.278506666666667	6.43498	11.3834
Light, 3 hours	6.6778466666666665	5.92175	7.63031
Light, 5 hours	7.797766666666667	6.52073	9.87217
Light, 7 hours	7.8490633333333335	5.97858	11.369
Light, 9 hours	8.609686666666667	4.78008	13.5502
Light, 13 hours	10.191456666666667	9.46557	10.9954
Light, 15 hours	9.704460000000001	7.68467	11.7752
Darkness, 1 hour	10.542273333333334	6.71722	14.6348
Darkness, 3 hours	12.34141	7.76813	16.8188
Darkness, 5 hours	8.902243333333333	7.20513	10.7082
Darkness, 7 hours	5.614006666666667	4.69118	6.89686
Darkness, 11 hours	6.018493333333334	5.09161	7.28274
Vegetative buds	94.11296666666667	88.0668	100.005
Female buds	79.10786666666667	51.6216	95.1609
Male buds	71.5781	52.9615	99.4063
Buds	245.793	166.424	325.162
Pineapple galls	100.772	100.772	100.772
Somatic germinants - abnormal type	19.89097222222222	13.4309	25.1501
Somatic germinants - normal type	17.7654325	9.62585	23.1816
Cell culture - H20 - 5 days	11.009426666666666	8.35558	15.7891
Cell culture - KI added - 5 days	48.04376666666666	38.4713	59.8846
Cell culture - KI added - 20 days	82.86016666666666	82.0709	84.2679
Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days	18.265733333333333	15.237	22.3456
Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days	4.991316666666667	4.06597	6.79669
Cell culture - solid medium	122.166	113.118	127.819
Somatic embryogenic cell line	8.875584444444444	3.52363	11.7743