condition	mean	min	max
Immature female cone	16.7464	16.7464	16.7464
Immature male cones	19.3499	19.3499	19.3499
Cambium and expanding xylem	0.736187	0.736187	0.736187
Cambium	0.40477266666666667	0.058354	0.698554
Expanding xylem	0.24238875	0.0	0.436247
Expanding and mature xylem	0.4738644	0.0	1.39466
Maturing xylem	0.684721	0.684721	0.684721
Wood	20.11185	17.1295	23.0942
Bark	12.350579714285715	7.14002	19.3112
Bark, healthy	1.54889	1.19819	1.97417
S1 xylem tracheids	8.5550275	7.63557	9.48298
S1 whole sections	5.539285	4.60337	6.19096
S2 ray cells	10.1251325	9.29227	10.9726
S2 xylem tracheids	11.38665	10.691	12.5509
S2 whole sections	6.3608725	5.2458	7.05416
Dead late wood	0.371593	0.371593	0.371593
Phloem and cambium	0.0	0.0	0.0
Dear early and late wood	0.441629	0.441629	0.441629
Bark, root and butt rot	1.581688	1.14882	2.29851
Vegetative shoots - needles	6.798135	6.32278	7.27349
Vegetative shoots - stem	15.7137	15.7137	15.7137
Vegetative shoots	9.522555	8.40261	10.6425
Girdled twig - stem	11.3638	11.3638	11.3638
Dried twig - needles	10.0851	10.0851	10.0851
Girdled twig - needles	5.18516	5.18516	5.18516
Needles	23.851503333333334	8.83056	119.14
Needles - dawn	4.31726	4.31726	4.31726
Needles - later afternoon	5.17214	5.17214	5.17214
Needles - midday	4.62293	4.62293	4.62293
Needles - night	5.41254	5.41254	5.41254
Light, 1 hour	28.367183333333333	23.7181	33.7981
Light, 3 hours	32.6013	28.8805	35.7898
Light, 5 hours	26.524866666666668	24.5451	30.0476
Light, 7 hours	30.959733333333332	26.5733	33.9869
Light, 9 hours	24.404633333333333	21.7277	25.9947
Light, 13 hours	23.203833333333332	21.6432	24.9087
Light, 15 hours	25.221566666666668	21.5057	29.5155
Darkness, 1 hour	33.0502	28.3544	37.2399
Darkness, 3 hours	32.35993333333333	30.9265	33.5327
Darkness, 5 hours	29.70276666666667	21.5071	37.2237
Darkness, 7 hours	28.975033333333332	25.0064	31.864
Darkness, 11 hours	19.599066666666666	13.5969	23.6903
Vegetative buds	24.4291	24.1695	24.8175
Female buds	22.121166666666667	15.1426	26.286
Male buds	18.091066666666666	17.2156	18.9081
Buds	14.46425	13.7442	15.1843
Pineapple galls	9.21216	9.21216	9.21216
Somatic germinants - abnormal type	8.681235	6.37322	10.7327
Somatic germinants - normal type	9.233128	7.1101	12.36
Cell culture - H20 - 5 days	19.6493	18.2268	21.5008
Cell culture - KI added - 5 days	21.179100000000002	18.4326	23.7024
Cell culture - KI added - 20 days	21.000366666666668	18.807	22.7527
Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days	15.1531	13.8846	17.0886
Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days	16.51546666666667	14.4065	18.5958
Cell culture - solid medium	20.9752	20.4386	21.8997
Somatic embryogenic cell line	11.015687777777778	3.99547	14.1198