condition	mean	min	max
Immature female cone	38.4906	38.4906	38.4906
Immature male cones	13.0775	13.0775	13.0775
Cambium and expanding xylem	4.07149	4.07149	4.07149
Cambium	7.0369166666666665	1.02197	13.8795
Expanding xylem	5.0885025	2.59138	8.02459
Expanding and mature xylem	1.34737525	0.0	2.34419
Maturing xylem	1.33241	1.33241	1.33241
Wood	33.69185	33.1973	34.1864
Bark	33.90351142857143	20.3172	49.4343
Bark, healthy	23.993299999999998	17.7323	31.4744
S1 xylem tracheids	34.3777	33.8962	35.0577
S1 whole sections	27.262025	24.8511	31.6933
S2 ray cells	48.502575	47.2502	49.7861
S2 xylem tracheids	32.4752	31.266	34.0519
S2 whole sections	23.881975	20.4131	25.4619
Dead late wood	2.0551	2.0551	2.0551
Phloem and cambium	0.0	0.0	0.0
Dear early and late wood	1.87879	1.87879	1.87879
Bark, root and butt rot	24.017780000000002	15.1913	38.7411
Vegetative shoots - needles	16.6429	14.8404	18.4454
Vegetative shoots - stem	25.9935	25.9935	25.9935
Vegetative shoots	31.667900000000003	30.0423	33.2935
Girdled twig - stem	22.1523	22.1523	22.1523
Dried twig - needles	11.2204	11.2204	11.2204
Girdled twig - needles	20.8156	20.8156	20.8156
Needles	34.37179444444445	18.803	52.0962
Needles - dawn	13.8048	13.8048	13.8048
Needles - later afternoon	15.8043	15.8043	15.8043
Needles - midday	14.0649	14.0649	14.0649
Needles - night	14.4268	14.4268	14.4268
Light, 1 hour	29.220016666666666	24.326	33.664
Light, 3 hours	28.072266666666664	25.1648	32.2987
Light, 5 hours	27.9043	24.7899	32.7792
Light, 7 hours	28.587733333333333	25.1301	31.0396
Light, 9 hours	26.940566666666665	24.4403	28.2393
Light, 13 hours	26.206	23.2141	30.0626
Light, 15 hours	29.844900000000003	26.6398	34.9057
Darkness, 1 hour	36.71276666666667	28.3309	46.4583
Darkness, 3 hours	32.5163	28.7558	39.8004
Darkness, 5 hours	31.29706666666667	23.2691	36.3111
Darkness, 7 hours	29.627866666666666	27.6492	31.3824
Darkness, 11 hours	21.983633333333334	15.7149	27.9984
Vegetative buds	58.13126666666667	57.0272	59.3866
Female buds	38.4848	23.527	49.3648
Male buds	41.27203333333333	36.8559	44.0723
Buds	31.146349999999998	25.203	37.0897
Pineapple galls	45.7629	45.7629	45.7629
Somatic germinants - abnormal type	21.57726111111111	17.4341	28.2808
Somatic germinants - normal type	25.35551	15.7141	36.1385
Cell culture - H20 - 5 days	23.1953	22.7724	23.9143
Cell culture - KI added - 5 days	18.599233333333334	16.918	20.4294
Cell culture - KI added - 20 days	17.730700000000002	17.513	18.1658
Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days	19.436866666666667	18.581	20.46
Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days	20.1746	20.1106	20.2623
Cell culture - solid medium	15.445433333333332	14.2656	17.1181
Somatic embryogenic cell line	45.08844444444444	20.1259	64.5868