condition mean min max Immature female cone 54.1403 54.1403 54.1403 Immature male cones 74.8082 74.8082 74.8082 Cambium and expanding xylem 5.81339 5.81339 5.81339 Cambium 11.49164 2.80383 22.9057 Expanding xylem 6.4520475 1.76876 11.2048 Expanding and mature xylem 5.30509425 0.712307 10.3759 Maturing xylem 5.30643 5.30643 5.30643 Wood 31.66905 24.2497 39.0884 Bark 62.96872285714286 47.7386 79.6518 Bark, healthy 41.92942 30.451 53.3801 S1 xylem tracheids 21.7036 20.0048 22.8439 S1 whole sections 15.792775 14.928 16.724 S2 ray cells 22.332 21.4781 23.3685 S2 xylem tracheids 14.865025 14.5107 15.5276 S2 whole sections 16.0871 14.8981 16.7209 Dead late wood 5.33716 5.33716 5.33716 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 11.7524 11.7524 11.7524 Bark, root and butt rot 32.83988 24.7743 40.9434 Vegetative shoots - needles 14.44835 14.407 14.4897 Vegetative shoots - stem 33.0139 33.0139 33.0139 Vegetative shoots 58.509249999999994 38.1457 78.8728 Girdled twig - stem 29.419 29.419 29.419 Dried twig - needles 25.6905 25.6905 25.6905 Girdled twig - needles 19.8804 19.8804 19.8804 Needles 30.72521111111111 15.9151 45.5969 Needles - dawn 12.7199 12.7199 12.7199 Needles - later afternoon 12.9364 12.9364 12.9364 Needles - midday 12.3665 12.3665 12.3665 Needles - night 13.8929 13.8929 13.8929 Light, 1 hour 35.823816666666666 26.0963 46.228 Light, 3 hours 35.16053333333333 28.2155 41.1558 Light, 5 hours 42.10896666666667 33.4635 51.9215 Light, 7 hours 42.7795 34.5203 52.0432 Light, 9 hours 30.410400000000003 25.0238 34.7599 Light, 13 hours 34.20706666666667 32.1013 37.8631 Light, 15 hours 37.89816666666667 30.767 49.4936 Darkness, 1 hour 46.78196666666667 41.4305 55.6599 Darkness, 3 hours 39.143233333333335 30.7647 48.4814 Darkness, 5 hours 39.589933333333335 34.7488 44.456 Darkness, 7 hours 54.7069 50.7194 58.5271 Darkness, 11 hours 27.813133333333333 20.348 40.249 Vegetative buds 24.8509 20.7504 28.9042 Female buds 21.830466666666666 15.0866 26.0889 Male buds 42.10586666666667 39.767 44.14 Buds 49.0998 47.5928 50.6068 Pineapple galls 31.7158 31.7158 31.7158 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 34.31226111111111 25.7895 43.6373 Somatic germinants - normal type 35.10889 23.9074 48.0226 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 52.2357 50.2914 55.0799 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 84.23656666666666 81.5988 87.4599 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 72.54216666666666 69.8741 75.2787 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 50.96183333333333 50.4798 51.8752 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 44.6828 42.2819 46.6145 Cell culture - solid medium 64.21996666666666 63.4524 65.0494 Somatic embryogenic cell line 19.71309888888889 7.32669 23.0665