condition	mean	min	max
Immature female cone	50.847	50.847	50.847
Immature male cones	0.698764	0.698764	0.698764
Cambium and expanding xylem	4.21718	4.21718	4.21718
Cambium	1.0758553333333334	0.573906	1.63585
Expanding xylem	12.0085825	8.33903	14.6193
Expanding and mature xylem	16.4040725	4.51979	30.2834
Maturing xylem	38.0605	38.0605	38.0605
Wood	5.061865	2.15161	7.97212
Bark	45.175122571428574	9.89649	80.1191
Bark, healthy	5.32425	3.70981	8.27537
S1 xylem tracheids	1.060706	0.800356	1.42388
S1 whole sections	1.619685	1.37324	2.00118
S2 ray cells	7.617725	7.35365	7.80796
S2 xylem tracheids	2.2532475	1.79421	2.78919
S2 whole sections	0.301828325	0.0839323	0.52245
Dead late wood	52.9509	52.9509	52.9509
Phloem and cambium	0.0	0.0	0.0
Dear early and late wood	39.0681	39.0681	39.0681
Bark, root and butt rot	12.320872	6.68936	17.119
Vegetative shoots - needles	20.057695000000002	3.80369	36.3117
Vegetative shoots - stem	18.1874	18.1874	18.1874
Vegetative shoots	38.446149999999996	13.4615	63.4308
Girdled twig - stem	20.5399	20.5399	20.5399
Dried twig - needles	10.255	10.255	10.255
Girdled twig - needles	3.3997	3.3997	3.3997
Needles	25.609472222222223	10.7478	49.8139
Needles - dawn	2.6052	2.6052	2.6052
Needles - later afternoon	3.71635	3.71635	3.71635
Needles - midday	1.95006	1.95006	1.95006
Needles - night	4.47554	4.47554	4.47554
Light, 1 hour	64.53425	55.632	80.4151
Light, 3 hours	39.52263333333333	27.2942	51.9748
Light, 5 hours	61.088233333333335	47.258	69.4512
Light, 7 hours	60.573566666666665	48.4225	82.3105
Light, 9 hours	49.6468	37.9661	58.1911
Light, 13 hours	49.864133333333335	41.7839	57.94
Light, 15 hours	45.308233333333334	41.6633	51.5407
Darkness, 1 hour	72.17796666666666	55.5695	87.0723
Darkness, 3 hours	61.187533333333334	55.1267	66.585
Darkness, 5 hours	39.5147	34.8605	44.5638
Darkness, 7 hours	55.70023333333333	53.0511	60.1502
Darkness, 11 hours	44.321266666666666	30.5787	60.6702
Vegetative buds	12.577496666666667	7.27549	15.5816
Female buds	10.540443333333334	4.94253	13.9055
Male buds	2.971943333333333	1.56748	4.43542
Buds	16.10025	12.6209	19.5796
Pineapple galls	68.151	68.151	68.151
Somatic germinants - abnormal type	2.672	1.6685	3.77844
Somatic germinants - normal type	3.895258	2.06963	6.19449
Cell culture - H20 - 5 days	2.594	2.51213	2.71863
Cell culture - KI added - 5 days	7.6227800000000006	6.85386	8.54385
Cell culture - KI added - 20 days	4.6425133333333335	3.61897	5.46405
Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days	2.956593333333333	2.75075	3.28826
Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days	2.60698	2.11373	3.38011
Cell culture - solid medium	13.4688	10.8146	15.7262
Somatic embryogenic cell line	0.0	0.0	0.0