condition	mean	min	max
Immature female cone	18.2098	18.2098	18.2098
Immature male cones	14.3215	14.3215	14.3215
Cambium and expanding xylem	4.6833	4.6833	4.6833
Cambium	9.6426	6.64631	15.5156
Expanding xylem	4.9346725000000005	1.96485	7.17222
Expanding and mature xylem	6.032235	2.82943	8.9625
Maturing xylem	1.85684	1.85684	1.85684
Wood	16.44175	14.3974	18.4861
Bark	22.763977142857144	17.1115	29.1077
Bark, healthy	23.3816	19.5394	29.3092
S1 xylem tracheids	2.1538575	1.67436	2.52554
S1 whole sections	3.22263	1.64461	4.66551
S2 ray cells	7.7197724999999995	5.8716	8.542
S2 xylem tracheids	9.3281275	8.56344	10.0182
S2 whole sections	3.1109925	2.67797	3.76859
Dead late wood	13.172	13.172	13.172
Phloem and cambium	0.0	0.0	0.0
Dear early and late wood	13.8187	13.8187	13.8187
Bark, root and butt rot	23.7202	15.0498	37.2353
Vegetative shoots - needles	10.1391	10.1268	10.1514
Vegetative shoots - stem	14.7351	14.7351	14.7351
Vegetative shoots	16.045514999999998	5.75493	26.3361
Girdled twig - stem	17.8473	17.8473	17.8473
Dried twig - needles	13.4072	13.4072	13.4072
Girdled twig - needles	9.03934	9.03934	9.03934
Needles	12.073373333333333	6.04061	28.4456
Needles - dawn	12.2552	12.2552	12.2552
Needles - later afternoon	11.6105	11.6105	11.6105
Needles - midday	12.6994	12.6994	12.6994
Needles - night	10.818	10.818	10.818
Light, 1 hour	15.5246	13.3263	19.0332
Light, 3 hours	14.608866666666668	12.1936	15.9594
Light, 5 hours	16.7028	15.0873	19.5876
Light, 7 hours	14.630266666666667	13.1009	17.3804
Light, 9 hours	14.598633333333334	13.696	16.3387
Light, 13 hours	15.276466666666666	14.1742	15.9912
Light, 15 hours	15.805933333333334	14.485	18.2084
Darkness, 1 hour	15.141833333333333	14.4855	15.7949
Darkness, 3 hours	17.351966666666666	14.0429	23.3374
Darkness, 5 hours	11.560986666666667	8.85096	14.3861
Darkness, 7 hours	19.159466666666667	16.5717	21.1614
Darkness, 11 hours	12.996166666666666	9.1703	15.6748
Vegetative buds	48.3959	44.7506	55.1844
Female buds	37.391333333333336	21.3645	47.3812
Male buds	53.075433333333336	46.4705	57.3375
Buds	18.9028	18.8237	18.9819
Pineapple galls	9.85371	9.85371	9.85371
Somatic germinants - abnormal type	15.266016666666667	10.9169	17.219
Somatic germinants - normal type	16.713025000000002	11.6272	25.8473
Cell culture - H20 - 5 days	21.161133333333336	20.1763	22.1874
Cell culture - KI added - 5 days	25.6006	23.5916	27.4415
Cell culture - KI added - 20 days	27.128833333333333	26.4434	28.3736
Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days	23.334266666666668	19.7528	28.0663
Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days	19.437966666666668	18.2955	20.7242
Cell culture - solid medium	28.476933333333335	26.1276	30.6192
Somatic embryogenic cell line	22.1342	13.9961	26.1451