condition mean min max Immature female cone 37.7962 37.7962 37.7962 Immature male cones 38.9371 38.9371 38.9371 Cambium and expanding xylem 5.42164 5.42164 5.42164 Cambium 3.2841133333333334 1.70538 5.65017 Expanding xylem 3.9952725 2.6345 5.34151 Expanding and mature xylem 4.092285 2.75666 7.49472 Maturing xylem 3.73913 3.73913 3.73913 Wood 16.5587 14.1833 18.9341 Bark 52.60767142857143 32.6596 95.2114 Bark, healthy 500.9394 436.573 572.181 S1 xylem tracheids 7.13636 6.78897 7.3032 S1 whole sections 9.9199325 9.24056 11.1991 S2 ray cells 39.84315 37.4167 41.0004 S2 xylem tracheids 15.583200000000001 14.7101 17.4323 S2 whole sections 10.034015 8.99946 10.4065 Dead late wood 5.47883 5.47883 5.47883 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 6.54092 6.54092 6.54092 Bark, root and butt rot 531.3444 242.7 783.977 Vegetative shoots - needles 26.66675 21.2412 32.0923 Vegetative shoots - stem 58.9735 58.9735 58.9735 Vegetative shoots 27.8367 14.949 40.7244 Girdled twig - stem 37.6697 37.6697 37.6697 Dried twig - needles 62.0347 62.0347 62.0347 Girdled twig - needles 53.0751 53.0751 53.0751 Needles 22.771809444444443 5.74452 51.0181 Needles - dawn 37.3996 37.3996 37.3996 Needles - later afternoon 27.7138 27.7138 27.7138 Needles - midday 34.2746 34.2746 34.2746 Needles - night 30.6775 30.6775 30.6775 Light, 1 hour 32.7698 18.2537 47.1671 Light, 3 hours 43.70003333333333 23.5109 56.0347 Light, 5 hours 38.14946666666667 31.6251 50.1187 Light, 7 hours 36.8349 26.514 54.5835 Light, 9 hours 37.242 30.8633 45.6797 Light, 13 hours 31.505766666666666 27.0494 37.4131 Light, 15 hours 30.864033333333335 18.2181 38.3203 Darkness, 1 hour 33.7115 22.7252 46.5334 Darkness, 3 hours 26.561233333333334 22.553 31.0359 Darkness, 5 hours 31.038166666666665 23.8657 37.4165 Darkness, 7 hours 22.041066666666666 13.9298 28.2889 Darkness, 11 hours 20.8429 17.3015 24.4119 Vegetative buds 39.563500000000005 26.0121 53.92 Female buds 30.922733333333333 15.4846 41.7517 Male buds 17.453666666666667 12.2522 24.3749 Buds 69.97085 51.7077 88.234 Pineapple galls 48.7398 48.7398 48.7398 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 16.254072222222224 11.3583 23.0999 Somatic germinants - normal type 17.7726655 8.26649 25.7611 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 3.006406666666667 2.34195 3.60553 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 2.80145 1.93273 3.41274 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 7.82991 7.06503 8.59232 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 4.715556666666666 4.63139 4.76283 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 3.2670033333333333 2.97079 3.61954 Cell culture - solid medium 10.262516666666667 9.3126 12.1506 Somatic embryogenic cell line 34.07391111111111 18.5466 47.0879