condition	mean	min	max
Immature female cone	1.92122	1.92122	1.92122
Immature male cones	2.04107	2.04107	2.04107
Cambium and expanding xylem	4.39553	4.39553	4.39553
Cambium	4.585833333333333	2.32075	6.88215
Expanding xylem	4.940875	3.72003	6.03516
Expanding and mature xylem	4.22246	1.84941	7.1649
Maturing xylem	0.793631	0.793631	0.793631
Wood	4.800555	4.03841	5.5627
Bark	7.488332857142857	4.44513	11.5736
Bark, healthy	10.666114	9.50441	13.5233
S1 xylem tracheids	8.7229975	8.02324	9.90392
S1 whole sections	4.5386050000000004	3.51091	6.34279
S2 ray cells	5.529015	4.75877	6.22546
S2 xylem tracheids	3.5096	2.74478	3.95614
S2 whole sections	4.9444175	3.61051	6.84021
Dead late wood	2.58419	2.58419	2.58419
Phloem and cambium	0.0	0.0	0.0
Dear early and late wood	5.53709	5.53709	5.53709
Bark, root and butt rot	9.274602	5.69233	13.3035
Vegetative shoots - needles	3.081625	2.16737	3.99588
Vegetative shoots - stem	3.3565	3.3565	3.3565
Vegetative shoots	1.715005	1.39736	2.03265
Girdled twig - stem	3.40406	3.40406	3.40406
Dried twig - needles	3.69134	3.69134	3.69134
Girdled twig - needles	3.20264	3.20264	3.20264
Needles	6.028534444444444	1.43942	17.7262
Needles - dawn	7.37308	7.37308	7.37308
Needles - later afternoon	2.40203	2.40203	2.40203
Needles - midday	3.70955	3.70955	3.70955
Needles - night	2.33756	2.33756	2.33756
Light, 1 hour	7.165113333333333	4.70175	8.38252
Light, 3 hours	5.88345	5.15466	6.538
Light, 5 hours	6.705886666666666	5.14341	8.21758
Light, 7 hours	6.989123333333334	4.49999	8.3726
Light, 9 hours	5.36489	4.66928	6.00245
Light, 13 hours	5.882126666666667	4.29736	7.89086
Light, 15 hours	5.587086666666667	4.18729	7.62466
Darkness, 1 hour	8.161773333333333	7.91012	8.51171
Darkness, 3 hours	7.411326666666667	5.56915	9.41234
Darkness, 5 hours	7.918776666666667	5.33296	9.28947
Darkness, 7 hours	8.98434	8.15798	10.3491
Darkness, 11 hours	3.78698	3.30706	4.43481
Vegetative buds	6.3414166666666665	5.13044	7.68319
Female buds	3.8961833333333336	3.10403	4.56073
Male buds	6.689253333333333	6.09292	7.53005
Buds	3.66144	3.51989	3.80299
Pineapple galls	2.76385	2.76385	2.76385
Somatic germinants - abnormal type	2.7957916666666667	1.57743	3.76528
Somatic germinants - normal type	3.728344	2.10569	6.53849
Cell culture - H20 - 5 days	3.0962633333333334	2.42173	3.51261
Cell culture - KI added - 5 days	3.897186666666667	3.34621	4.93771
Cell culture - KI added - 20 days	4.763293333333333	3.94462	5.3525
Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days	4.052076666666666	3.73598	4.42022
Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days	3.416123333333333	2.64085	3.87526
Cell culture - solid medium	3.9892333333333334	3.42527	4.30604
Somatic embryogenic cell line	4.747283333333334	2.86175	6.13465