condition	mean	min	max
Immature female cone	14.4559	14.4559	14.4559
Immature male cones	17.9536	17.9536	17.9536
Cambium and expanding xylem	37.4999	37.4999	37.4999
Cambium	24.0684	13.8823	30.9134
Expanding xylem	31.397550000000003	23.4617	41.4998
Expanding and mature xylem	15.3239025	3.73711	21.9735
Maturing xylem	10.8327	10.8327	10.8327
Wood	27.2088	23.1992	31.2184
Bark	27.362088571428572	17.1952	37.768
Bark, healthy	14.295938	8.01989	19.1284
S1 xylem tracheids	43.947725	41.8334	46.7516
S1 whole sections	28.934525	25.989	32.3243
S2 ray cells	50.49775	47.0523	54.0416
S2 xylem tracheids	37.219125	35.3518	39.0893
S2 whole sections	26.031575	25.825	26.3102
Dead late wood	55.3144	55.3144	55.3144
Phloem and cambium	0.0	0.0	0.0
Dear early and late wood	35.5167	35.5167	35.5167
Bark, root and butt rot	19.56306	16.6345	28.6291
Vegetative shoots - needles	22.843049999999998	12.5263	33.1598
Vegetative shoots - stem	28.844	28.844	28.844
Vegetative shoots	18.36773	3.33146	33.404
Girdled twig - stem	19.5717	19.5717	19.5717
Dried twig - needles	36.5732	36.5732	36.5732
Girdled twig - needles	15.149	15.149	15.149
Needles	25.195887777777777	9.66478	69.2274
Needles - dawn	10.2712	10.2712	10.2712
Needles - later afternoon	14.3915	14.3915	14.3915
Needles - midday	16.4165	16.4165	16.4165
Needles - night	14.2799	14.2799	14.2799
Light, 1 hour	24.5026	17.8274	29.5721
Light, 3 hours	19.5576	18.0795	22.109
Light, 5 hours	20.6862	19.3907	22.0745
Light, 7 hours	21.7179	18.9674	23.5316
Light, 9 hours	20.520333333333333	16.0687	26.3746
Light, 13 hours	20.2723	16.9007	22.9071
Light, 15 hours	22.290733333333336	20.7208	23.7616
Darkness, 1 hour	23.630766666666666	19.3297	26.1032
Darkness, 3 hours	23.224266666666665	22.7076	23.7918
Darkness, 5 hours	25.511433333333333	17.1639	31.1025
Darkness, 7 hours	34.65196666666667	30.7305	41.844
Darkness, 11 hours	16.823266666666665	11.6231	22.529
Vegetative buds	35.88636666666667	31.6045	40.0325
Female buds	27.952966666666665	17.6453	36.4803
Male buds	19.0957	15.4429	23.6665
Buds	28.84835	23.595	34.1017
Pineapple galls	28.9788	28.9788	28.9788
Somatic germinants - abnormal type	27.858494444444446	21.0019	33.8219
Somatic germinants - normal type	28.068595000000002	22.6213	34.739
Cell culture - H20 - 5 days	24.382366666666666	23.445	25.7118
Cell culture - KI added - 5 days	26.847833333333334	24.9319	28.8331
Cell culture - KI added - 20 days	32.342666666666666	30.0158	35.734
Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days	25.831166666666665	24.2491	28.2821
Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days	22.33406666666667	20.9651	24.8332
Cell culture - solid medium	34.326966666666664	31.9966	38.5644
Somatic embryogenic cell line	8.888333333333334	5.49117	12.8082