condition mean min max Egg cell 21.142231 4.85836 40.8053 Ovule 26.154123076923078 20.5951 32.4508 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 22.0621 17.5665 25.8271 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 15.393933333333335 14.5157 16.1686 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 17.908033333333332 14.7773 23.034 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 15.619266666666666 14.2116 16.503 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 13.253933333333332 11.0979 16.0074 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 39.21476666666666 34.9646 41.6055 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 37.518766666666664 29.5264 43.717 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 15.67052 12.2118 19.4138 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 25.376133333333332 22.6705 30.3539 Sperm 20.6811 17.1608 23.8312 Pollen tube (Col-0) 14.351809999999999 7.12473 18.7092 Flower (receptacles) 32.3115125 28.8702 36.1638 Flower (floral buds) 36.5164 36.5164 36.5164 Flower (sepals) 25.086175 20.997 29.2294 Flower (petals) 23.302500000000002 21.7098 24.8952 Flower (stamen filaments) 22.164749999999998 19.4843 24.8452 Flower (anthers) 27.805833333333332 24.8348 32.4172 Flower (carpels) 29.256364285714287 24.1955 40.1942 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 28.4847 28.0065 28.9629 Pedicel 18.5465 17.452 19.641 Axis of the inflorescence 16.76455 15.429 18.1001 Silique 18.371211111111112 15.2698 21.508 Silique (senescent) 17.004550000000002 14.5829 19.4262 Pods of siliques 20.688625000000002 17.026 26.5817 Pods of siliques (senescent) 56.064499999999995 54.9448 57.1842 Embryo 22.2885 22.2885 22.2885 Endosperm 20.03118 10.1248 26.8263 Seed 19.45785 13.4415 25.539 Seed (young) 24.11554 20.3833 28.6962 Seed (germinating) 22.941283333333335 12.3984 31.4174 Seedling 16.379328 8.02191 26.3266 Seedling (etiolated) 28.7013 24.6088 38.4625 Meristem 19.534012666666666 6.98958 25.0312 Stem (internode) 16.7636 16.5885 16.9387 Stem (internode, senescent) 34.839749999999995 34.4377 35.2418 Stems 22.394830735294118 6.40591 30.2224 Leaf (rosette) 36.86830714285714 12.5749 54.7777 Epidermis cells 13.24193 9.21556 17.2683 Mature guard cells 49.83625 36.158 63.5145 Root (differentiation zone) 49.4519 49.4519 49.4519 Root (elongation zone) 33.433099999999996 28.8003 38.0659 Root (meristematic zone) 16.2305 16.2305 16.2305 Root (apex) 27.44445 23.1459 31.743 Root (stele) 77.4122 77.4122 77.4122 Root (QC cells) 43.827571291666665 0.0175247 290.286 Root (tip) 11.960633333333334 10.1096 12.8957