condition mean min max Immature female cone 68.9832 68.9832 68.9832 Immature male cones 142.824 142.824 142.824 Cambium and expanding xylem 14.2426 14.2426 14.2426 Cambium 40.2399 11.9166 69.7414 Expanding xylem 31.731375 12.2844 63.0116 Expanding and mature xylem 61.812225 16.572 122.411 Maturing xylem 55.9312 55.9312 55.9312 Wood 86.0909 51.9358 120.246 Bark 93.04312 34.2484 153.436 Bark, healthy 40.3001 27.1872 55.9207 S1 xylem tracheids 510.577 479.818 553.952 S1 whole sections 192.35275000000001 163.955 223.956 S2 ray cells 169.19475 153.944 199.953 S2 xylem tracheids 150.50549999999998 132.766 166.886 S2 whole sections 120.6058 97.6332 140.015 Dead late wood 20.2356 20.2356 20.2356 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 65.2113 65.2113 65.2113 Bark, root and butt rot 31.489 22.0323 45.5056 Vegetative shoots - needles 63.6138 63.3339 63.8937 Vegetative shoots - stem 175.745 175.745 175.745 Vegetative shoots 28.509900000000002 15.0925 41.9273 Girdled twig - stem 150.526 150.526 150.526 Dried twig - needles 102.614 102.614 102.614 Girdled twig - needles 82.2018 82.2018 82.2018 Needles 64.94722 5.00956 162.267 Needles - dawn 109.229 109.229 109.229 Needles - later afternoon 86.812 86.812 86.812 Needles - midday 73.9401 73.9401 73.9401 Needles - night 73.2176 73.2176 73.2176 Light, 1 hour 23.985816666666665 13.6706 40.3626 Light, 3 hours 9.042763333333333 8.49767 9.4154 Light, 5 hours 20.0151 14.6457 27.5778 Light, 7 hours 27.717166666666667 25.8408 29.1388 Light, 9 hours 18.999333333333333 17.985 20.0544 Light, 13 hours 19.904366666666668 14.063 27.4383 Light, 15 hours 18.8745 15.8976 20.8241 Darkness, 1 hour 13.879863333333333 9.17639 21.5367 Darkness, 3 hours 28.39326666666667 17.6248 35.3933 Darkness, 5 hours 21.365366666666667 12.7298 28.3262 Darkness, 7 hours 12.993766666666668 11.8849 15.1789 Darkness, 11 hours 15.803783333333334 8.63205 19.6195 Vegetative buds 122.38966666666667 112.623 133.502 Female buds 106.8193 54.0139 151.241 Male buds 115.22633333333333 113.175 117.944 Buds 141.34199999999998 108.695 173.989 Pineapple galls 79.9107 79.9107 79.9107 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 65.56491666666666 34.3523 111.929 Somatic germinants - normal type 81.258365 53.5074 111.594 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 52.990633333333335 40.7492 67.0653 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 78.80966666666667 64.9827 91.8418 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 72.896 67.061 78.0343 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 57.5436 52.2408 67.2854 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 47.530699999999996 28.0567 63.7769 Cell culture - solid medium 77.5692 67.553 82.818 Somatic embryogenic cell line 124.41291111111111 41.3706 175.576