condition mean min max Immature female cone 220.352 220.352 220.352 Immature male cones 263.359 263.359 263.359 Cambium and expanding xylem 176.873 176.873 176.873 Cambium 155.06 125.499 212.268 Expanding xylem 226.56 187.535 268.448 Expanding and mature xylem 204.74525 157.053 255.694 Maturing xylem 189.346 189.346 189.346 Wood 261.293 253.501 269.085 Bark 166.77492857142857 97.2235 225.883 Bark, healthy 53.64352 36.3329 90.8113 S1 xylem tracheids 421.13 418.521 424.445 S1 whole sections 216.8105 202.976 224.38 S2 ray cells 277.6395 276.082 278.686 S2 xylem tracheids 285.27025000000003 281.514 288.739 S2 whole sections 164.5205 159.897 171.786 Dead late wood 298.7 298.7 298.7 Phloem and cambium 6.87512 6.87512 6.87512 Dear early and late wood 212.977 212.977 212.977 Bark, root and butt rot 103.56099999999999 73.1151 170.047 Vegetative shoots - needles 232.9995 209.858 256.141 Vegetative shoots - stem 245.532 245.532 245.532 Vegetative shoots 217.936 164.457 271.415 Girdled twig - stem 203.028 203.028 203.028 Dried twig - needles 258.517 258.517 258.517 Girdled twig - needles 257.38 257.38 257.38 Needles 138.68305 74.675 320.228 Needles - dawn 235.018 235.018 235.018 Needles - later afternoon 243.993 243.993 243.993 Needles - midday 220.811 220.811 220.811 Needles - night 247.237 247.237 247.237 Light, 1 hour 165.87266666666667 147.865 192.456 Light, 3 hours 162.80733333333333 160.63 164.975 Light, 5 hours 173.037 144.033 191.312 Light, 7 hours 164.97466666666668 147.096 190.421 Light, 9 hours 151.057 126.579 174.468 Light, 13 hours 169.8033333333333 151.594 179.765 Light, 15 hours 170.78766666666667 150.489 203.067 Darkness, 1 hour 167.65800000000002 149.882 193.162 Darkness, 3 hours 170.61266666666666 145.974 189.884 Darkness, 5 hours 154.953 122.079 186.859 Darkness, 7 hours 196.62833333333333 154.426 224.379 Darkness, 11 hours 141.67443333333333 96.4153 181.561 Vegetative buds 227.876 215.081 234.397 Female buds 205.53866666666667 124.284 251.107 Male buds 180.11033333333333 154.782 206.35 Buds 237.1635 225.497 248.83 Pineapple galls 243.895 243.895 243.895 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 145.93677777777776 116.303 168.692 Somatic germinants - normal type 140.5865 114.839 165.032 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 234.01733333333334 225.018 241.38 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 265.9116666666667 264.366 268.418 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 227.86266666666666 227.036 229.089 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 188.09966666666668 186.258 189.188 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 164.281 152.802 172.287 Cell culture - solid medium 219.84 210.431 229.441 Somatic embryogenic cell line 103.14578888888889 37.8035 128.209