condition	mean	min	max
Immature female cone	18.8874	18.8874	18.8874
Immature male cones	12.3146	12.3146	12.3146
Cambium and expanding xylem	41.3278	41.3278	41.3278
Cambium	22.317496666666667	8.98439	30.3794
Expanding xylem	50.3274	35.2154	61.8028
Expanding and mature xylem	24.579250000000002	10.3736	41.3555
Maturing xylem	11.8312	11.8312	11.8312
Wood	43.177350000000004	34.266	52.0887
Bark	23.5592	17.4316	29.5803
Bark, healthy	20.7161	14.2049	31.362
S1 xylem tracheids	79.3816	78.6307	80.5498
S1 whole sections	74.872175	72.2066	76.0063
S2 ray cells	96.94454999999999	95.0254	99.2749
S2 xylem tracheids	67.92005	66.8055	69.0953
S2 whole sections	76.9775	74.316	78.1427
Dead late wood	7.00787	7.00787	7.00787
Phloem and cambium	0.0	0.0	0.0
Dear early and late wood	26.2989	26.2989	26.2989
Bark, root and butt rot	21.87438	11.9705	43.3273
Vegetative shoots - needles	9.388905000000001	9.18945	9.58836
Vegetative shoots - stem	21.4837	21.4837	21.4837
Vegetative shoots	17.8161	17.3654	18.2668
Girdled twig - stem	18.7213	18.7213	18.7213
Dried twig - needles	7.19864	7.19864	7.19864
Girdled twig - needles	9.11215	9.11215	9.11215
Needles	30.31535388888889	6.58135	44.1041
Needles - dawn	9.91823	9.91823	9.91823
Needles - later afternoon	7.99519	7.99519	7.99519
Needles - midday	9.19513	9.19513	9.19513
Needles - night	8.15703	8.15703	8.15703
Light, 1 hour	21.447116666666666	16.6059	24.9489
Light, 3 hours	17.622033333333334	15.0457	20.8397
Light, 5 hours	23.504833333333334	18.6722	29.377
Light, 7 hours	22.389466666666667	17.9855	24.8066
Light, 9 hours	18.545333333333332	16.3938	22.2372
Light, 13 hours	21.354166666666664	17.1012	23.9652
Light, 15 hours	18.7102	16.4033	21.4822
Darkness, 1 hour	22.0987	19.1085	25.5604
Darkness, 3 hours	20.942533333333333	19.5802	23.2429
Darkness, 5 hours	21.2037	17.7771	23.2181
Darkness, 7 hours	24.876966666666668	24.7822	25.004
Darkness, 11 hours	15.517900000000001	11.8735	20.7221
Vegetative buds	26.204233333333335	22.7487	31.9004
Female buds	17.9218	11.6528	21.6269
Male buds	38.0994	36.0206	40.9535
Buds	23.361449999999998	20.525	26.1979
Pineapple galls	21.5419	21.5419	21.5419
Somatic germinants - abnormal type	12.939119999999999	9.51917	17.8199
Somatic germinants - normal type	15.7539555	9.09487	24.3417
Cell culture - H20 - 5 days	14.283666666666667	13.9572	14.7041
Cell culture - KI added - 5 days	19.25593333333333	17.4483	20.9163
Cell culture - KI added - 20 days	21.8647	21.1784	22.5846
Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days	13.797266666666667	13.1723	14.3114
Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days	12.0642	11.9139	12.3058
Cell culture - solid medium	27.749	26.8074	28.2439
Somatic embryogenic cell line	20.770833333333332	10.4633	24.515