condition mean min max Immature female cone 11.3616 11.3616 11.3616 Immature male cones 10.6202 10.6202 10.6202 Cambium and expanding xylem 2.7457 2.7457 2.7457 Cambium 11.991826666666666 5.16891 23.2699 Expanding xylem 5.24997 1.29593 8.40978 Expanding and mature xylem 5.9689025 5.11471 7.54634 Maturing xylem 5.90963 5.90963 5.90963 Wood 16.6133 15.8755 17.3511 Bark 23.8316 16.7452 33.0645 Bark, healthy 22.42104 20.5464 25.6112 S1 xylem tracheids 3.8867575 3.60422 4.22103 S1 whole sections 6.008325 5.68141 6.62883 S2 ray cells 12.101275000000001 11.1598 13.1548 S2 xylem tracheids 12.850950000000001 12.1914 13.1745 S2 whole sections 8.013815 7.32679 8.71461 Dead late wood 5.99224 5.99224 5.99224 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 4.67574 4.67574 4.67574 Bark, root and butt rot 17.88752 12.0646 30.1402 Vegetative shoots - needles 10.9604 10.3485 11.5723 Vegetative shoots - stem 13.3509 13.3509 13.3509 Vegetative shoots 10.794855 5.94221 15.6475 Girdled twig - stem 10.5681 10.5681 10.5681 Dried twig - needles 9.98208 9.98208 9.98208 Girdled twig - needles 7.43795 7.43795 7.43795 Needles 19.803282222222222 7.74456 38.3993 Needles - dawn 16.036 16.036 16.036 Needles - later afternoon 9.51039 9.51039 9.51039 Needles - midday 9.03129 9.03129 9.03129 Needles - night 11.4162 11.4162 11.4162 Light, 1 hour 22.96245 12.3191 26.6514 Light, 3 hours 16.1539 13.7595 19.3205 Light, 5 hours 16.993466666666666 12.3796 20.1669 Light, 7 hours 16.979766666666666 14.5007 19.9105 Light, 9 hours 14.0163 10.3716 16.8084 Light, 13 hours 17.475666666666665 14.613 19.0109 Light, 15 hours 14.4374 12.8632 17.1703 Darkness, 1 hour 18.8728 15.8601 21.291 Darkness, 3 hours 17.990033333333333 17.5453 18.3608 Darkness, 5 hours 17.644233333333332 14.6063 19.2348 Darkness, 7 hours 24.646266666666666 22.4052 28.8681 Darkness, 11 hours 10.30762 7.96846 12.6259 Vegetative buds 22.155 17.2692 27.6057 Female buds 16.2042 10.9035 20.9498 Male buds 33.891 26.8692 39.613 Buds 13.866900000000001 13.3642 14.3696 Pineapple galls 7.7767 7.7767 7.7767 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 11.542908333333333 6.49729 17.6693 Somatic germinants - normal type 14.184359 7.79053 23.4082 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 16.957333333333334 14.8325 18.2871 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 21.438133333333333 18.0551 25.3466 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 23.106333333333332 21.4856 23.9395 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 19.625966666666667 18.1926 20.4984 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 15.2631 14.6662 16.1315 Cell culture - solid medium 21.160466666666668 19.3972 22.0567 Somatic embryogenic cell line 19.537587777777777 9.12579 24.5514