condition	mean	min	max
Immature female cone	17.3683	17.3683	17.3683
Immature male cones	10.4114	10.4114	10.4114
Cambium and expanding xylem	7.57615	7.57615	7.57615
Cambium	13.672203333333332	5.26791	23.8969
Expanding xylem	8.875815	6.69075	11.3819
Expanding and mature xylem	8.4753125	6.61369	10.9728
Maturing xylem	6.79316	6.79316	6.79316
Wood	20.1758	17.0174	23.3342
Bark	15.584537428571428	9.87381	19.6966
Bark, healthy	22.75616	20.2736	25.8477
S1 xylem tracheids	7.5516325	7.10567	8.43263
S1 whole sections	11.992675	11.0776	12.7955
S2 ray cells	13.275125	12.3868	14.4036
S2 xylem tracheids	8.802575000000001	8.45772	9.53891
S2 whole sections	13.43765	12.6696	15.0071
Dead late wood	4.51669	4.51669	4.51669
Phloem and cambium	0.0	0.0	0.0
Dear early and late wood	9.64227	9.64227	9.64227
Bark, root and butt rot	22.22234	19.2977	26.9335
Vegetative shoots - needles	9.70336	9.69356	9.71316
Vegetative shoots - stem	16.9934	16.9934	16.9934
Vegetative shoots	14.69205	12.732	16.6521
Girdled twig - stem	17.5861	17.5861	17.5861
Dried twig - needles	9.54167	9.54167	9.54167
Girdled twig - needles	10.1665	10.1665	10.1665
Needles	13.818122222222222	9.9166	17.9156
Needles - dawn	9.42836	9.42836	9.42836
Needles - later afternoon	9.94329	9.94329	9.94329
Needles - midday	8.57687	8.57687	8.57687
Needles - night	10.2064	10.2064	10.2064
Light, 1 hour	21.751966666666668	19.2998	23.7321
Light, 3 hours	16.94193333333333	14.8318	19.2208
Light, 5 hours	20.536833333333334	18.6127	22.9362
Light, 7 hours	18.888866666666665	17.0738	19.9406
Light, 9 hours	17.680366666666668	15.7584	19.7891
Light, 13 hours	19.211233333333332	18.0919	20.2902
Light, 15 hours	19.626766666666665	18.581	20.5815
Darkness, 1 hour	20.221333333333334	19.9559	20.3544
Darkness, 3 hours	21.02873333333333	19.1287	23.4115
Darkness, 5 hours	20.09433333333333	16.4009	23.2399
Darkness, 7 hours	25.443233333333332	23.6506	28.8221
Darkness, 11 hours	14.536346666666667	9.94254	18.054
Vegetative buds	29.137566666666668	28.1709	29.8915
Female buds	22.355866666666667	15.458	26.4201
Male buds	26.751766666666665	26.052	27.4379
Buds	20.3824	19.7533	21.0115
Pineapple galls	15.2494	15.2494	15.2494
Somatic germinants - abnormal type	13.63125	12.0627	15.2712
Somatic germinants - normal type	14.40783	11.0215	17.5974
Cell culture - H20 - 5 days	16.0509	15.5753	16.567
Cell culture - KI added - 5 days	19.448133333333335	19.0112	19.9096
Cell culture - KI added - 20 days	21.5685	20.2526	22.6548
Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days	15.9641	15.0268	17.3053
Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days	15.378066666666667	14.1187	16.4216
Cell culture - solid medium	25.759	25.0698	26.2192
Somatic embryogenic cell line	12.465626666666667	5.52384	14.6468