condition mean min max Immature female cone 149.622 149.622 149.622 Immature male cones 45.8969 45.8969 45.8969 Cambium and expanding xylem 346.334 346.334 346.334 Cambium 712.8476666666667 185.02 1644.01 Expanding xylem 142.1359 78.9786 243.783 Expanding and mature xylem 98.244625 83.9252 115.567 Maturing xylem 116.702 116.702 116.702 Wood 71.5095 49.9164 93.1026 Bark 420.07374285714286 198.367 721.273 Bark, healthy 136.90044 60.3978 238.698 S1 xylem tracheids 29.7063 27.7176 31.7593 S1 whole sections 48.901225 41.8372 54.105 S2 ray cells 71.9111 69.6796 74.0826 S2 xylem tracheids 225.2435 221.21 229.894 S2 whole sections 56.064099999999996 54.7769 56.9123 Dead late wood 185.475 185.475 185.475 Phloem and cambium 2.93768 2.93768 2.93768 Dear early and late wood 129.699 129.699 129.699 Bark, root and butt rot 105.12688 41.7761 148.906 Vegetative shoots - needles 38.5252 31.2156 45.8348 Vegetative shoots - stem 63.1448 63.1448 63.1448 Vegetative shoots 46.657399999999996 40.2362 53.0786 Girdled twig - stem 91.5154 91.5154 91.5154 Dried twig - needles 69.39 69.39 69.39 Girdled twig - needles 30.2086 30.2086 30.2086 Needles 86.39768333333333 20.6564 169.996 Needles - dawn 37.2518 37.2518 37.2518 Needles - later afternoon 39.9043 39.9043 39.9043 Needles - midday 45.0338 45.0338 45.0338 Needles - night 41.5325 41.5325 41.5325 Light, 1 hour 147.31016666666667 114.013 190.978 Light, 3 hours 163.426 145.489 185.421 Light, 5 hours 152.12233333333333 137.938 167.176 Light, 7 hours 181.73433333333332 166.208 209.69 Light, 9 hours 156.48166666666665 130.1 174.255 Light, 13 hours 130.82333333333332 126.145 137.076 Light, 15 hours 154.817 137.007 185.898 Darkness, 1 hour 162.66433333333333 131.051 186.168 Darkness, 3 hours 158.728 128.15 186.347 Darkness, 5 hours 154.398 127.286 171.338 Darkness, 7 hours 135.428 123.502 152.13 Darkness, 11 hours 114.93063333333333 94.1699 132.001 Vegetative buds 99.17963333333333 84.3539 123.888 Female buds 98.81383333333333 52.3415 135.039 Male buds 78.67450000000001 74.4158 85.9347 Buds 64.10835 58.0785 70.1382 Pineapple galls 57.8636 57.8636 57.8636 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 158.27433333333335 129.676 196.58 Somatic germinants - normal type 159.1409 146.193 176.623 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 213.88433333333333 202.444 223.486 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 237.06666666666666 218.766 258.085 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 228.55766666666668 221.292 232.576 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 226.55 216.735 231.716 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 210.42433333333332 207.861 213.552 Cell culture - solid medium 234.26833333333335 230.372 239.385 Somatic embryogenic cell line 497.087 224.318 570.788