condition mean min max Immature female cone 185.577 185.577 185.577 Immature male cones 77.6797 77.6797 77.6797 Cambium and expanding xylem 50.7819 50.7819 50.7819 Cambium 57.9513 34.9572 83.2029 Expanding xylem 58.745174999999996 47.9882 78.065 Expanding and mature xylem 33.8941 26.9007 42.0077 Maturing xylem 30.8287 30.8287 30.8287 Wood 65.7073 64.4495 66.9651 Bark 474.1130285714286 213.039 844.977 Bark, healthy 293.5776 143.718 357.448 S1 xylem tracheids 38.4404 36.9922 40.3104 S1 whole sections 41.184975 41.0578 41.4377 S2 ray cells 49.904075 48.0965 52.5288 S2 xylem tracheids 46.235350000000004 44.3036 47.892 S2 whole sections 40.700425 39.9727 41.2821 Dead late wood 38.4882 38.4882 38.4882 Phloem and cambium 1.45768 1.45768 1.45768 Dear early and late wood 52.8457 52.8457 52.8457 Bark, root and butt rot 274.0054 127.63 333.676 Vegetative shoots - needles 96.73935 80.4617 113.017 Vegetative shoots - stem 77.7288 77.7288 77.7288 Vegetative shoots 166.8535 135.122 198.585 Girdled twig - stem 66.4146 66.4146 66.4146 Dried twig - needles 158.539 158.539 158.539 Girdled twig - needles 129.109 129.109 129.109 Needles 175.88266666666667 87.2662 261.158 Needles - dawn 81.1291 81.1291 81.1291 Needles - later afternoon 86.6473 86.6473 86.6473 Needles - midday 65.1055 65.1055 65.1055 Needles - night 92.9687 92.9687 92.9687 Light, 1 hour 388.4231666666667 305.793 498.333 Light, 3 hours 355.169 311.679 401.646 Light, 5 hours 392.94 371.992 404.004 Light, 7 hours 370.94166666666666 323.116 418.434 Light, 9 hours 341.7103333333333 302.685 386.786 Light, 13 hours 362.71133333333336 343.829 399.934 Light, 15 hours 382.93966666666665 346.358 401.972 Darkness, 1 hour 336.85133333333334 313.57 382.73 Darkness, 3 hours 357.8813333333333 276.283 425.313 Darkness, 5 hours 309.40233333333333 278.01 353.254 Darkness, 7 hours 385.5593333333333 351.226 411.712 Darkness, 11 hours 313.21433333333334 232.393 413.684 Vegetative buds 90.54963333333333 84.4139 102.085 Female buds 67.7387 38.0665 86.2731 Male buds 70.9366 60.3152 86.8677 Buds 104.23740000000001 97.0528 111.422 Pineapple galls 198.524 198.524 198.524 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 150.02727777777778 131.14 166.972 Somatic germinants - normal type 160.64894999999999 133.33 179.266 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 176.87566666666666 169.199 182.633 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 102.83166666666666 101.387 104.663 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 114.551 113.674 115.755 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 190.534 179.054 199.123 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 122.55233333333334 120.629 125.882 Cell culture - solid medium 141.92533333333333 137.875 144.137 Somatic embryogenic cell line 173.80955555555556 72.027 220.954