condition mean min max Immature female cone 19.9245 19.9245 19.9245 Immature male cones 17.8708 17.8708 17.8708 Cambium and expanding xylem 0.129674 0.129674 0.129674 Cambium 0.6855359999999999 0.0 1.99151 Expanding xylem 0.0390202 0.0 0.108147 Expanding and mature xylem 0.0 0.0 0.0 Maturing xylem 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wood 11.75535 10.1944 13.3163 Bark 12.372698571428572 7.47069 18.8516 Bark, healthy 26.29982 25.0625 27.7753 S1 xylem tracheids 6.587995 5.65286 7.34833 S1 whole sections 8.2648425 7.28269 8.68239 S2 ray cells 15.95225 13.902 16.9705 S2 xylem tracheids 4.4108525 4.16259 4.7143 S2 whole sections 9.069894999999999 8.53132 10.0003 Dead late wood 0.621807 0.621807 0.621807 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 0.189488 0.189488 0.189488 Bark, root and butt rot 26.25302 17.8932 34.3805 Vegetative shoots - needles 7.266360000000001 6.87171 7.66101 Vegetative shoots - stem 12.9008 12.9008 12.9008 Vegetative shoots 15.43205 10.7594 20.1047 Girdled twig - stem 11.3494 11.3494 11.3494 Dried twig - needles 10.1453 10.1453 10.1453 Girdled twig - needles 6.43135 6.43135 6.43135 Needles 12.862717777777778 7.23144 38.6861 Needles - dawn 6.18008 6.18008 6.18008 Needles - later afternoon 7.03452 7.03452 7.03452 Needles - midday 9.05215 9.05215 9.05215 Needles - night 8.34561 8.34561 8.34561 Light, 1 hour 13.212033333333334 10.8778 16.1095 Light, 3 hours 11.308546666666667 9.74844 12.4729 Light, 5 hours 14.253 10.0675 18.3922 Light, 7 hours 14.936266666666667 12.9414 17.4302 Light, 9 hours 13.0049 10.6982 14.9267 Light, 13 hours 14.043433333333333 12.182 15.4205 Light, 15 hours 14.004233333333334 13.3525 14.9149 Darkness, 1 hour 17.958000000000002 17.495 18.7707 Darkness, 3 hours 14.082233333333333 12.9128 15.3732 Darkness, 5 hours 14.497366666666666 12.5863 15.7062 Darkness, 7 hours 16.454633333333334 15.1624 18.6195 Darkness, 11 hours 11.764883333333334 9.35245 15.0458 Vegetative buds 15.931 13.9622 17.4431 Female buds 12.537653333333333 7.67176 16.1798 Male buds 20.8537 18.5857 25.1247 Buds 15.272850000000002 12.6102 17.9355 Pineapple galls 13.1871 13.1871 13.1871 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 12.110322222222223 10.0055 16.3979 Somatic germinants - normal type 12.0334 8.33777 18.8556 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 20.645566666666667 19.9961 21.127 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 26.73023333333333 25.8315 27.3343 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 24.263166666666667 23.6234 24.7935 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 22.8084 22.3739 23.3635 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 17.299666666666667 15.5657 19.4099 Cell culture - solid medium 24.607533333333333 22.6689 25.6244 Somatic embryogenic cell line 19.727033333333335 11.1117 22.9227