condition mean min max Immature female cone 8.09816 8.09816 8.09816 Immature male cones 17.0126 17.0126 17.0126 Cambium and expanding xylem 0.146923 0.146923 0.146923 Cambium 0.11512599999999999 0.0 0.210226 Expanding xylem 0.226461 0.131286 0.38802 Expanding and mature xylem 0.10759552500000001 0.0 0.408162 Maturing xylem 0.144244 0.144244 0.144244 Wood 6.84162 4.46631 9.21693 Bark 7.493993428571429 3.56803 16.2892 Bark, healthy 6.91113 6.0038 7.49475 S1 xylem tracheids 1.8802625000000002 1.63886 2.35428 S1 whole sections 0.8113807500000001 0.756372 0.893947 S2 ray cells 2.1679925 1.85706 2.55557 S2 xylem tracheids 1.10383075 0.727705 1.52612 S2 whole sections 0.87375425 0.642824 1.21352 Dead late wood 0.201292 0.201292 0.201292 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 0.184023 0.184023 0.184023 Bark, root and butt rot 9.93371 4.82794 13.3735 Vegetative shoots - needles 10.76445 9.2688 12.2601 Vegetative shoots - stem 9.53187 9.53187 9.53187 Vegetative shoots 13.4497 10.5451 16.3543 Girdled twig - stem 17.5522 17.5522 17.5522 Dried twig - needles 9.79524 9.79524 9.79524 Girdled twig - needles 17.093 17.093 17.093 Needles 25.030067777777777 4.22728 53.7054 Needles - dawn 8.29912 8.29912 8.29912 Needles - later afternoon 8.76985 8.76985 8.76985 Needles - midday 16.0937 16.0937 16.0937 Needles - night 9.48688 9.48688 9.48688 Light, 1 hour 19.77805 16.1763 22.3081 Light, 3 hours 20.030133333333332 17.1418 22.9151 Light, 5 hours 19.351133333333333 15.0219 24.4761 Light, 7 hours 13.415533333333332 11.9333 16.1008 Light, 9 hours 8.349826666666667 7.51409 9.16003 Light, 13 hours 8.60535 8.14354 8.98601 Light, 15 hours 10.036023333333333 9.01397 10.6488 Darkness, 1 hour 14.231033333333333 11.2945 15.8922 Darkness, 3 hours 12.046633333333334 11.1426 12.8757 Darkness, 5 hours 15.299733333333332 13.1783 17.019 Darkness, 7 hours 17.1511 14.7948 20.6104 Darkness, 11 hours 6.924306666666667 5.60993 8.51299 Vegetative buds 39.071466666666666 29.2392 47.175 Female buds 29.591833333333334 15.4383 40.0276 Male buds 21.3399 14.8634 33.8742 Buds 15.7637 12.2923 19.2351 Pineapple galls 21.3299 21.3299 21.3299 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 5.018831666666666 3.93189 7.15108 Somatic germinants - normal type 5.5589345 4.0152 8.02005 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 9.348543333333334 9.04324 9.62025 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 6.888263333333333 5.7617 8.2305 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 7.5776433333333335 6.61899 8.39486 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 7.57393 6.9565 7.94894 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 12.2614 10.8873 12.9657 Cell culture - solid medium 6.71456 6.55976 6.99856 Somatic embryogenic cell line 7.929084444444444 3.62756 8.89869