condition mean min max Immature female cone 252.27 252.27 252.27 Immature male cones 110.542 110.542 110.542 Cambium and expanding xylem 160.421 160.421 160.421 Cambium 275.1596666666667 159.659 387.778 Expanding xylem 100.34075 80.9279 123.421 Expanding and mature xylem 117.8775 85.052 150.202 Maturing xylem 201.048 201.048 201.048 Wood 186.74900000000002 173.627 199.871 Bark 156.25196857142856 65.8004 240.707 Bark, healthy 70.40204 49.7868 85.289 S1 xylem tracheids 29.790375 23.5286 34.3241 S1 whole sections 54.932125 47.2107 64.5922 S2 ray cells 77.55205000000001 71.1627 89.5602 S2 xylem tracheids 104.60227499999999 93.3586 115.873 S2 whole sections 58.737375 52.5558 62.2509 Dead late wood 276.827 276.827 276.827 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 210.582 210.582 210.582 Bark, root and butt rot 73.41446 61.2644 82.9508 Vegetative shoots - needles 99.18555 90.9491 107.422 Vegetative shoots - stem 168.398 168.398 168.398 Vegetative shoots 171.8173 68.3776 275.257 Girdled twig - stem 137.637 137.637 137.637 Dried twig - needles 91.6698 91.6698 91.6698 Girdled twig - needles 93.4995 93.4995 93.4995 Needles 80.48457777777777 41.6094 170.314 Needles - dawn 101.183 101.183 101.183 Needles - later afternoon 104.882 104.882 104.882 Needles - midday 103.189 103.189 103.189 Needles - night 105.655 105.655 105.655 Light, 1 hour 41.21965 27.0967 57.6286 Light, 3 hours 29.79446666666667 22.8589 36.5313 Light, 5 hours 34.870733333333334 26.4937 44.2506 Light, 7 hours 35.787333333333336 29.733 47.0303 Light, 9 hours 29.285133333333334 22.2402 33.3618 Light, 13 hours 33.8289 25.6989 40.518 Light, 15 hours 41.80146666666667 38.6427 46.1411 Darkness, 1 hour 33.889833333333335 24.9477 38.9758 Darkness, 3 hours 34.174566666666664 25.5077 44.3829 Darkness, 5 hours 30.598666666666666 27.7271 33.6875 Darkness, 7 hours 55.0004 42.0667 69.516 Darkness, 11 hours 27.829866666666668 17.1097 35.1846 Vegetative buds 204.909 175.107 223.333 Female buds 213.236 126.18 288.37 Male buds 360.20633333333336 293.856 406.552 Buds 240.1975 197.067 283.328 Pineapple galls 175.835 175.835 175.835 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 160.8945 130.378 201.482 Somatic germinants - normal type 172.84890000000001 136.026 222.96 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 122.86433333333333 115.886 130.399 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 196.01833333333335 180.636 215.104 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 225.45033333333333 217.279 230.526 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 142.446 122.982 153.25 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 82.22876666666667 75.149 92.0921 Cell culture - solid medium 174.152 167.505 177.62 Somatic embryogenic cell line 454.442 218.671 544.805