condition mean min max Immature female cone 467.907 467.907 467.907 Immature male cones 437.796 437.796 437.796 Cambium and expanding xylem 1.26229 1.26229 1.26229 Cambium 3.6104800000000004 0.79211 8.0073 Expanding xylem 0.4412155 0.0 1.16651 Expanding and mature xylem 0.18049325 0.0 0.721973 Maturing xylem 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wood 355.226 260.547 449.905 Bark 441.1905428571429 296.161 555.496 Bark, healthy 38.659980000000004 28.6872 52.9042 S1 xylem tracheids 11.930595 9.58668 16.4271 S1 whole sections 16.9634 13.9262 19.3357 S2 ray cells 26.239649999999997 21.3753 32.4826 S2 xylem tracheids 21.586275 17.3561 25.7856 S2 whole sections 24.227425 18.3106 29.2041 Dead late wood 1.51323 1.51323 1.51323 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 0.0 0.0 0.0 Bark, root and butt rot 46.6126 41.0145 53.1045 Vegetative shoots - needles 220.87599999999998 177.016 264.736 Vegetative shoots - stem 400.526 400.526 400.526 Vegetative shoots 505.8585 294.746 716.971 Girdled twig - stem 290.164 290.164 290.164 Dried twig - needles 341.427 341.427 341.427 Girdled twig - needles 195.78 195.78 195.78 Needles 308.23794444444445 138.266 457.651 Needles - dawn 254.536 254.536 254.536 Needles - later afternoon 268.328 268.328 268.328 Needles - midday 274.532 274.532 274.532 Needles - night 344.05 344.05 344.05 Light, 1 hour 490.96483333333333 423.063 556.253 Light, 3 hours 542.7846666666667 498.92 587.445 Light, 5 hours 508.3283333333334 450.459 578.354 Light, 7 hours 557.047 522.186 592.429 Light, 9 hours 539.14 468.232 661.428 Light, 13 hours 476.8143333333333 405.163 551.087 Light, 15 hours 492.2803333333333 477.645 501.19 Darkness, 1 hour 535.755 458.939 589.753 Darkness, 3 hours 513.9 455.08 564.633 Darkness, 5 hours 460.7746666666667 346.12 532.855 Darkness, 7 hours 522.3346666666666 478.246 608.701 Darkness, 11 hours 415.6293333333333 273.121 503.698 Vegetative buds 607.2049999999999 596.79 623.752 Female buds 515.4533333333334 339.65 638.552 Male buds 573.8873333333333 568.789 576.943 Buds 402.8405 396.887 408.794 Pineapple galls 317.821 317.821 317.821 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 403.42611111111114 364.278 460.818 Somatic germinants - normal type 434.0185 345.781 539.224 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 395.04533333333336 383.975 404.073 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 455.79766666666666 450.62 458.688 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 520.7533333333333 507.465 545.742 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 454.7853333333333 412.498 495.041 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 383.20933333333335 363.762 400.129 Cell culture - solid medium 478.55466666666666 458.075 508.349 Somatic embryogenic cell line 654.1935555555556 264.302 780.087