condition	mean	min	max
Immature female cone	2.07764	2.07764	2.07764
Immature male cones	4.07625	4.07625	4.07625
Cambium and expanding xylem	0.571942	0.571942	0.571942
Cambium	0.807328	0.394793	1.33666
Expanding xylem	0.55950575	0.317127	0.909828
Expanding and mature xylem	0.08514285	0.0	0.187168
Maturing xylem	0.304152	0.304152	0.304152
Wood	2.45309	2.29584	2.61034
Bark	2.253604	1.40397	2.98388
Bark, healthy	3.107062	2.35412	3.73093
S1 xylem tracheids	1.320405	1.06329	1.45984
S1 whole sections	0.8406975	0.761543	0.908146
S2 ray cells	1.141499	0.772746	1.31409
S2 xylem tracheids	0.3725535	0.258932	0.521579
S2 whole sections	0.7245085	0.55113	0.980172
Dead late wood	0.152364	0.152364	0.152364
Phloem and cambium	0.0	0.0	0.0
Dear early and late wood	0.10447	0.10447	0.10447
Bark, root and butt rot	3.0511999999999997	1.94844	4.02152
Vegetative shoots - needles	1.3761	1.16263	1.58957
Vegetative shoots - stem	2.19758	2.19758	2.19758
Vegetative shoots	2.2599650000000002	1.3864	3.13353
Girdled twig - stem	1.36951	1.36951	1.36951
Dried twig - needles	1.54526	1.54526	1.54526
Girdled twig - needles	1.99319	1.99319	1.99319
Needles	1.5113815555555556	0.754388	3.72608
Needles - dawn	2.13834	2.13834	2.13834
Needles - later afternoon	1.78664	1.78664	1.78664
Needles - midday	1.51113	1.51113	1.51113
Needles - night	1.92952	1.92952	1.92952
Light, 1 hour	1.6685538333333334	0.989873	2.08099
Light, 3 hours	1.1283480000000001	0.992504	1.24767
Light, 5 hours	1.5971466666666667	1.45353	1.72764
Light, 7 hours	1.5562466666666666	1.34429	1.9746
Light, 9 hours	1.3421699999999999	1.17363	1.54775
Light, 13 hours	1.4577633333333333	1.11938	1.84348
Light, 15 hours	1.4227066666666666	1.11498	1.62695
Darkness, 1 hour	1.6604366666666666	1.29728	1.90698
Darkness, 3 hours	1.2115633333333333	0.83755	1.73549
Darkness, 5 hours	1.59825	1.40766	1.90828
Darkness, 7 hours	1.7654133333333333	1.29757	2.02455
Darkness, 11 hours	0.9147473333333334	0.736609	1.15411
Vegetative buds	2.598726666666667	2.31271	3.09496
Female buds	1.83112	1.13875	2.26687
Male buds	4.120303333333333	3.55178	4.77872
Buds	2.143405	2.10771	2.1791
Pineapple galls	1.27858	1.27858	1.27858
Somatic germinants - abnormal type	1.3447537777777778	0.61204	1.98316
Somatic germinants - normal type	1.5063115	0.87378	2.53706
Cell culture - H20 - 5 days	2.91656	2.79415	3.00684
Cell culture - KI added - 5 days	4.44372	3.96223	5.01913
Cell culture - KI added - 20 days	4.180996666666667	3.87881	4.61655
Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days	3.8428133333333334	3.42408	4.56282
Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days	2.861413333333333	2.60545	3.34596
Cell culture - solid medium	4.2223766666666664	4.02653	4.43243
Somatic embryogenic cell line	3.0548333333333333	1.48828	3.9121