condition mean min max Immature female cone 1384.15 1384.15 1384.15 Immature male cones 838.432 838.432 838.432 Cambium and expanding xylem 234.092 234.092 234.092 Cambium 231.99666666666667 218.047 248.316 Expanding xylem 115.45519999999999 63.6399 167.259 Expanding and mature xylem 35.32415 17.8866 62.3118 Maturing xylem 14.7264 14.7264 14.7264 Wood 671.5889999999999 488.26 854.918 Bark 27.759074 6.67808 86.6909 Bark, healthy 50.572845599999994 0.325758 129.92 S1 xylem tracheids 166.421 140.456 189.055 S1 whole sections 233.28175 208.621 248.933 S2 ray cells 396.00925 362.669 426.915 S2 xylem tracheids 211.9025 186.62 230.927 S2 whole sections 248.16525000000001 229.873 262.8 Dead late wood 12.63 12.63 12.63 Phloem and cambium 11.1529 11.1529 11.1529 Dear early and late wood 22.2644 22.2644 22.2644 Bark, root and butt rot 50.571780000000004 16.499 102.921 Vegetative shoots - needles 1227.1255 702.261 1751.99 Vegetative shoots - stem 4172.02 4172.02 4172.02 Vegetative shoots 3009.9449999999997 1579.7 4440.19 Girdled twig - stem 1483.74 1483.74 1483.74 Dried twig - needles 442.41 442.41 442.41 Girdled twig - needles 555.164 555.164 555.164 Needles 1267.1884444444445 284.037 2530.66 Needles - dawn 375.98 375.98 375.98 Needles - later afternoon 383.552 383.552 383.552 Needles - midday 276.761 276.761 276.761 Needles - night 350.13 350.13 350.13 Light, 1 hour 163.43466666666666 114.308 211.118 Light, 3 hours 153.86066666666667 138.382 175.475 Light, 5 hours 166.20053333333334 84.5736 207.527 Light, 7 hours 168.43733333333333 101.781 277.127 Light, 9 hours 180.941 106.266 248.389 Light, 13 hours 188.08526666666668 99.2848 344.855 Light, 15 hours 177.97466666666668 158.569 211.211 Darkness, 1 hour 119.42033333333333 112.11 132.036 Darkness, 3 hours 121.71763333333334 83.2239 180.19 Darkness, 5 hours 145.547 129.51 175.106 Darkness, 7 hours 135.07156666666666 68.8827 171.954 Darkness, 11 hours 161.27133333333333 128.869 196.491 Vegetative buds 47.601933333333335 39.3018 59.5595 Female buds 82.83566666666667 51.2085 111.496 Male buds 12.497843333333334 4.88263 16.4982 Buds 8220.6 7141.91 9299.29 Pineapple galls 1747.08 1747.08 1747.08 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 305.83633333333336 179.825 405.058 Somatic germinants - normal type 448.7537 217.114 867.137 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 0.18043133333333336 0.0 0.541294 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 2.4406266666666667 1.11381 4.22972 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 3.2011333333333334 1.50877 4.27688 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 1.8058733333333334 1.23281 2.51935 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 0.18219 0.0 0.54657 Cell culture - solid medium 4.47576 1.98859 6.40959 Somatic embryogenic cell line 73.52768266666666 0.0 201.754