condition	mean	min	max
Immature female cone	0.185349	0.185349	0.185349
Immature male cones	6.87097	6.87097	6.87097
Cambium and expanding xylem	3.79703	3.79703	3.79703
Cambium	6.291006666666667	5.2294	7.23841
Expanding xylem	0.63077025	0.0	1.18752
Expanding and mature xylem	1.735484725	0.0653989	3.17348
Maturing xylem	2.89394	2.89394	2.89394
Wood	1.32852	1.28185	1.37519
Bark	5.558487942857143	0.454732	15.3938
Bark, healthy	0.8978676	0.252316	1.437
S1 xylem tracheids	0.0233351	0.0	0.0933404
S1 whole sections	0.61232675	0.112526	1.20252
S2 ray cells	0.51108	0.324008	0.930616
S2 xylem tracheids	0.123531	0.0	0.218695
S2 whole sections	0.75550825	0.425038	1.15543
Dead late wood	0.718712	0.718712	0.718712
Phloem and cambium	0.0	0.0	0.0
Dear early and late wood	0.219018	0.219018	0.219018
Bark, root and butt rot	0.6210516	0.211697	1.12221
Vegetative shoots - needles	1.3979745	0.190429	2.60552
Vegetative shoots - stem	1.3871	1.3871	1.3871
Vegetative shoots	1.959778	0.441226	3.47833
Girdled twig - stem	8.06889	8.06889	8.06889
Dried twig - needles	13.4147	13.4147	13.4147
Girdled twig - needles	2.77112	2.77112	2.77112
Needles	8.144682833333334	0.0	65.4509
Needles - dawn	1.37938	1.37938	1.37938
Needles - later afternoon	0.822217	0.822217	0.822217
Needles - midday	2.54277	2.54277	2.54277
Needles - night	1.46694	1.46694	1.46694
Light, 1 hour	9.36562	4.31012	12.7628
Light, 3 hours	6.9437	4.34484	9.30982
Light, 5 hours	9.489543333333334	8.51006	11.1734
Light, 7 hours	8.846006666666666	6.30403	13.523
Light, 9 hours	7.06724	4.54242	10.5029
Light, 13 hours	7.400376666666666	5.86384	10.185
Light, 15 hours	6.44425	3.14158	8.15589
Darkness, 1 hour	12.6308	10.7627	13.9638
Darkness, 3 hours	9.566306666666666	5.62612	12.7768
Darkness, 5 hours	10.264103333333333	7.17661	12.3411
Darkness, 7 hours	16.507233333333332	14.8555	19.1885
Darkness, 11 hours	3.78674	1.10116	5.26873
Vegetative buds	2.2122833333333336	1.33098	3.68969
Female buds	6.1656	2.38737	9.36874
Male buds	0.815889	0.140118	2.02112
Buds	1.13884	1.08119	1.19649
Pineapple galls	1.83957	1.83957	1.83957
Somatic germinants - abnormal type	59.007155555555556	48.5143	90.7317
Somatic germinants - normal type	54.662485000000004	36.0414	70.001
Cell culture - H20 - 5 days	27.868133333333333	26.8986	28.7248
Cell culture - KI added - 5 days	6.06672	5.52899	6.58269
Cell culture - KI added - 20 days	7.797256666666667	6.5345	8.69105
Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days	17.706300000000002	16.701	18.9338
Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days	26.342866666666666	22.5126	28.3835
Cell culture - solid medium	17.948366666666665	16.9854	18.9
Somatic embryogenic cell line	2.1271222222222224	1.18293	3.77796