condition mean min max Immature female cone 121.438 121.438 121.438 Immature male cones 106.084 106.084 106.084 Cambium and expanding xylem 35.4682 35.4682 35.4682 Cambium 68.12306666666667 45.5413 111.668 Expanding xylem 31.674275 20.2342 45.3895 Expanding and mature xylem 25.0858 17.8122 34.1965 Maturing xylem 24.2085 24.2085 24.2085 Wood 84.07495 67.7599 100.39 Bark 46.27430571428572 24.735 59.4368 Bark, healthy 34.96358 33.6941 38.4227 S1 xylem tracheids 18.399275 18.0804 18.8814 S1 whole sections 27.8301 26.0328 29.6089 S2 ray cells 35.385625000000005 33.0476 37.5308 S2 xylem tracheids 33.86985 32.1982 35.5591 S2 whole sections 30.650750000000002 29.3345 31.7348 Dead late wood 39.6434 39.6434 39.6434 Phloem and cambium 2.04693 2.04693 2.04693 Dear early and late wood 43.0423 43.0423 43.0423 Bark, root and butt rot 41.73148 31.9643 57.7 Vegetative shoots - needles 43.32585 33.7362 52.9155 Vegetative shoots - stem 71.0355 71.0355 71.0355 Vegetative shoots 101.25535 38.1577 164.353 Girdled twig - stem 87.1436 87.1436 87.1436 Dried twig - needles 33.5897 33.5897 33.5897 Girdled twig - needles 52.4571 52.4571 52.4571 Needles 50.05138888888889 29.9204 78.6825 Needles - dawn 42.5101 42.5101 42.5101 Needles - later afternoon 44.6216 44.6216 44.6216 Needles - midday 38.7721 38.7721 38.7721 Needles - night 42.1434 42.1434 42.1434 Light, 1 hour 73.10986666666668 64.9409 82.0156 Light, 3 hours 72.65293333333334 64.0193 85.0094 Light, 5 hours 73.2116 68.2745 82.1616 Light, 7 hours 78.27533333333334 75.4955 79.7604 Light, 9 hours 66.2283 59.9733 72.1417 Light, 13 hours 67.87396666666666 64.3047 74.4767 Light, 15 hours 70.46186666666667 62.9174 74.5388 Darkness, 1 hour 73.18913333333333 66.1326 77.1188 Darkness, 3 hours 74.60836666666667 67.479 83.3314 Darkness, 5 hours 72.86006666666667 56.5747 83.4656 Darkness, 7 hours 84.19326666666666 73.579 91.3306 Darkness, 11 hours 56.3861 34.7159 74.3936 Vegetative buds 102.7993 92.9799 114.277 Female buds 90.94706666666667 53.9256 119.485 Male buds 141.15266666666668 126.384 155.936 Buds 95.00550000000001 89.474 100.537 Pineapple galls 44.4119 44.4119 44.4119 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 51.74226111111111 41.236 63.3126 Somatic germinants - normal type 54.103015 41.2889 67.0027 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 58.0208 55.5443 61.6826 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 77.7341 72.6389 82.2322 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 77.005 73.6675 81.3061 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 58.21256666666667 55.9872 62.0374 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 45.139466666666664 43.1408 48.7454 Cell culture - solid medium 77.99556666666668 74.4265 83.6205 Somatic embryogenic cell line 135.83517777777777 59.3626 169.548