condition mean min max Immature female cone 33.0879 33.0879 33.0879 Immature male cones 32.6452 32.6452 32.6452 Cambium and expanding xylem 5.66837 5.66837 5.66837 Cambium 24.783 10.3227 48.755 Expanding xylem 4.5410275 3.04037 6.1233 Expanding and mature xylem 5.84074 4.25217 9.25944 Maturing xylem 12.385 12.385 12.385 Wood 45.39135 32.2337 58.549 Bark 11.576988571428572 1.42383 24.9078 Bark, healthy 22.352999999999998 10.3883 40.1369 S1 xylem tracheids 4.5589474999999995 3.89662 5.36519 S1 whole sections 13.411625 12.8425 13.912 S2 ray cells 35.7005 33.7237 37.3425 S2 xylem tracheids 20.1109 18.824 20.8849 S2 whole sections 15.789675 15.3064 16.047 Dead late wood 10.4986 10.4986 10.4986 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 15.2338 15.2338 15.2338 Bark, root and butt rot 24.68032 16.8585 41.9785 Vegetative shoots - needles 11.485545 8.39849 14.5726 Vegetative shoots - stem 16.6114 16.6114 16.6114 Vegetative shoots 9.007965 8.61561 9.40032 Girdled twig - stem 34.2313 34.2313 34.2313 Dried twig - needles 1.95089 1.95089 1.95089 Girdled twig - needles 13.5054 13.5054 13.5054 Needles 13.151123888888888 1.44472 21.2548 Needles - dawn 10.6312 10.6312 10.6312 Needles - later afternoon 8.36585 8.36585 8.36585 Needles - midday 9.85172 9.85172 9.85172 Needles - night 7.16853 7.16853 7.16853 Light, 1 hour 13.60917 8.94782 18.8172 Light, 3 hours 15.6184 14.4512 16.5122 Light, 5 hours 17.232599999999998 14.9699 18.8477 Light, 7 hours 18.071866666666665 15.5306 21.3413 Light, 9 hours 14.710466666666667 11.3633 19.6325 Light, 13 hours 12.521933333333333 10.1428 14.5369 Light, 15 hours 12.058300000000001 11.1507 12.9849 Darkness, 1 hour 17.762666666666668 16.2881 19.6029 Darkness, 3 hours 15.708 12.5303 17.8151 Darkness, 5 hours 14.313 11.8464 17.454 Darkness, 7 hours 14.566233333333333 11.7542 18.9483 Darkness, 11 hours 12.205056666666666 9.57237 16.037 Vegetative buds 19.218566666666668 13.4615 26.6738 Female buds 14.884373333333334 9.18562 21.884 Male buds 8.63297 4.17062 17.011 Buds 29.86405 19.3718 40.3563 Pineapple galls 25.9406 25.9406 25.9406 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 8.557025 6.56158 12.8632 Somatic germinants - normal type 10.392278 7.145 15.4042 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 18.223133333333333 16.9889 19.7933 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 65.00319999999999 62.4218 66.3504 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 90.5959 87.4104 94.0839 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 20.525166666666667 19.6053 21.3884 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 17.6859 16.2026 20.0614 Cell culture - solid medium 65.53393333333334 64.1502 66.4465 Somatic embryogenic cell line 0.7451551111111111 0.13275 1.97956