condition mean min max Immature female cone 38.3141 38.3141 38.3141 Immature male cones 26.1442 26.1442 26.1442 Cambium and expanding xylem 13.9139 13.9139 13.9139 Cambium 23.497 14.5655 35.9386 Expanding xylem 11.01976 7.94169 13.7181 Expanding and mature xylem 9.605805 2.31757 20.1348 Maturing xylem 14.6485 14.6485 14.6485 Wood 26.19775 20.6133 31.7822 Bark 21.024114285714287 11.5513 29.9677 Bark, healthy 21.93106 14.4479 27.08 S1 xylem tracheids 16.782825 16.0463 17.8464 S1 whole sections 14.902925 12.5085 16.0029 S2 ray cells 37.737475 35.4411 39.3446 S2 xylem tracheids 31.353 30.584 32.2538 S2 whole sections 19.873925 18.5462 22.5119 Dead late wood 22.0099 22.0099 22.0099 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 17.5579 17.5579 17.5579 Bark, root and butt rot 22.088 16.4761 31.8507 Vegetative shoots - needles 13.076 12.0593 14.0927 Vegetative shoots - stem 23.5289 23.5289 23.5289 Vegetative shoots 28.81535 11.5554 46.0753 Girdled twig - stem 25.8981 25.8981 25.8981 Dried twig - needles 8.964 8.964 8.964 Girdled twig - needles 9.90754 9.90754 9.90754 Needles 16.46893888888889 6.73984 27.8467 Needles - dawn 11.9471 11.9471 11.9471 Needles - later afternoon 10.8805 10.8805 10.8805 Needles - midday 8.2193 8.2193 8.2193 Needles - night 8.60511 8.60511 8.60511 Light, 1 hour 25.38605 20.5416 27.8577 Light, 3 hours 23.625866666666667 21.7119 25.8218 Light, 5 hours 23.941333333333333 21.0735 29.291 Light, 7 hours 25.423966666666665 24.2957 26.3581 Light, 9 hours 23.306166666666666 19.2498 28.0586 Light, 13 hours 23.7907 21.2695 28.2917 Light, 15 hours 25.548833333333334 23.4976 29.1202 Darkness, 1 hour 25.9919 22.9328 30.5336 Darkness, 3 hours 25.967633333333335 22.6905 28.6032 Darkness, 5 hours 24.962066666666665 21.1998 26.9792 Darkness, 7 hours 29.812633333333334 29.0792 30.8493 Darkness, 11 hours 20.6829 13.0742 25.8456 Vegetative buds 32.873 32.0067 34.2331 Female buds 28.7423 17.0574 36.261 Male buds 38.0428 35.9683 41.4927 Buds 26.1074 24.0696 28.1452 Pineapple galls 13.5785 13.5785 13.5785 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 22.331183333333332 18.6501 25.9938 Somatic germinants - normal type 21.966695 15.8746 27.0217 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 27.119066666666665 25.6497 27.9339 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 35.99276666666667 34.7385 36.9977 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 35.757666666666665 34.641 37.273 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 26.796733333333332 26.4567 27.1555 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 20.532966666666667 18.7509 21.4408 Cell culture - solid medium 42.56623333333334 41.8243 43.247 Somatic embryogenic cell line 29.87751111111111 11.1222 34.4725