condition mean min max Immature female cone 12.5569 12.5569 12.5569 Immature male cones 15.9852 15.9852 15.9852 Cambium and expanding xylem 4.76092 4.76092 4.76092 Cambium 8.576943333333332 3.43287 14.0075 Expanding xylem 7.9793025 6.04894 9.33167 Expanding and mature xylem 8.75646 5.19076 13.7143 Maturing xylem 4.60106 4.60106 4.60106 Wood 18.04455 17.0307 19.0584 Bark 25.814811428571428 19.7913 33.4561 Bark, healthy 6.554044 5.64863 7.28458 S1 xylem tracheids 16.11495 15.4892 16.7957 S1 whole sections 9.300995 7.87466 11.1725 S2 ray cells 22.439325 21.0201 23.9023 S2 xylem tracheids 13.164025 11.7199 14.6151 S2 whole sections 9.989515 9.36633 11.0813 Dead late wood 5.35063 5.35063 5.35063 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 7.23958 7.23958 7.23958 Bark, root and butt rot 8.051518 6.4751 12.158 Vegetative shoots - needles 11.31035 10.0741 12.5466 Vegetative shoots - stem 14.236 14.236 14.236 Vegetative shoots 10.424525 9.78145 11.0676 Girdled twig - stem 13.7831 13.7831 13.7831 Dried twig - needles 9.51131 9.51131 9.51131 Girdled twig - needles 9.43099 9.43099 9.43099 Needles 15.82099388888889 8.55599 24.9779 Needles - dawn 11.6628 11.6628 11.6628 Needles - later afternoon 11.3582 11.3582 11.3582 Needles - midday 8.37898 8.37898 8.37898 Needles - night 10.5239 10.5239 10.5239 Light, 1 hour 21.277866666666668 17.9406 23.531 Light, 3 hours 24.66646666666667 21.984 27.5622 Light, 5 hours 19.425333333333334 16.441 22.9024 Light, 7 hours 23.487733333333335 20.9478 26.4359 Light, 9 hours 19.5133 17.4722 21.3887 Light, 13 hours 20.98636666666667 17.6598 22.9188 Light, 15 hours 23.726033333333334 18.9251 28.8647 Darkness, 1 hour 24.032899999999998 21.0503 27.1194 Darkness, 3 hours 24.373566666666665 19.4236 28.8778 Darkness, 5 hours 21.355633333333333 15.8396 24.6335 Darkness, 7 hours 23.104566666666667 19.6727 28.353 Darkness, 11 hours 15.666633333333333 10.9558 21.3904 Vegetative buds 18.3383 16.0399 22.7077 Female buds 12.318843333333334 6.60153 15.813 Male buds 22.812033333333336 21.1107 24.201 Buds 14.8678 13.8472 15.8884 Pineapple galls 15.9646 15.9646 15.9646 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 8.327193888888889 6.05215 9.96685 Somatic germinants - normal type 10.9524755 7.49084 15.8391 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 14.8542 14.0969 15.2374 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 17.300733333333334 14.5853 18.8207 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 17.213566666666665 15.7618 17.9456 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 13.609133333333332 13.5241 13.7519 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 12.768866666666666 11.315 14.1778 Cell culture - solid medium 18.637333333333334 17.7101 19.9602 Somatic embryogenic cell line 8.899905555555556 4.42965 12.2079